[:en]LAMY was established in 1930 in Heidelberg by C. Josef Lamy.
After 1952 it really came to the fore. Its beautiful LAMY 27 fountain pen was equipped with Tinotmatik system the first time in the world. In 1966 Gerd A. Müller launched the refreshing classic piece of LAMY 2000 series. The Bauhaus industrial design concept is fully developed in LAMY’s design. Every detail is classic, practical but without unnecessary decoration.

LAMY TWIN was made in 1984. This pen fuctions in two ways – mechanical pencil and pen. LAMY TWIN is the first two-way functional pen that allows to note and sketch. This multi-functional system became LAMY’s professional characteristics. Nowadays many high-ranking professions are fond of LAMY’s three colour pens and one mechanical pencils.
LAMY can be seen worldwide, such as in stock exchange in New York, conferences in Tokyo or speech hall in universities. Every single LAMY is delicately made in Heidelberg, Germany. This town with the oldest university in Germany, famous castle, old town and Neckar River. From here only a few minute driving, you reach the base where all types of LAMY pens are designed, developed and manufactured.
Based on the traditions of pen manufacturing despite of globalization, LAMY family employs over 400 employees and devotes as well as culture preservation.[:de]Lamy wurde 1930 von C. Josef Lamy in Heidelberg gegründet und etablierte sich ab 1952 mit der neuen Innovation des Tintomatik Systems, welche im Lamy 27 Füller angewendet wurde, zunehmend zu den gefragtesten Marken international. 1966 führte Gerd A. Müller mit der Inspiration der Bauhaus Philosophie die LAMY 2000 Linie ein- jedes Detail ist schlicht, praktisch und nutzungsorientiert designt.

Ein weiterer Meilenstein wurde 1984 mit der Entwicklung des LAMY TWIN gesetzt. Dieser ermöglicht dem Schreiber durch eine leichte Drehbewegung zwischen einem Kugelschreiber und einer Bleistiftmine zu wechseln. Noch heute ist das patentierte Mehrysteme-Schreibsystem in vielen LAMY Kollektionen vorhanden und findet mit der praktischen Anwendung professionellen Gebrauch in allen Bereichen.

LAMY findet weltweit in jeglichen Bereichen wie im Aktienmarkt in New York oder auf Konferenzen in Tokyo Verwendung. Jedes einzigartige LAMY Produkt findet ihren Ursprung in der Stadt Heidelberg und wird dort entworfen, angefertigt und international exportiert. Heutzutage beschäftigt das Familienunternehmen mehr als 400 Angestellte, welche hingebungsvoll die Kultur des Betriebs bewahren.[:zh]凌美 — 品质, 时尚, 创意 —

凌美 1930年 C Josef Lamy 在海德堡创立了欧瑟斯墨水笔制造厂,由此德国卓越书写工具品牌 凌美 (LAMY)  诞生了。

它真正的 “脱颖而出”还是在1952年之后。崭露头角的 LAMY 27 流线型墨水笔,配备前所未有的  “Tintomatik” 系统,震撼问世, 充分彰显公司的创新敏锐触觉。1966 年 Gerd A.Müller 终于打造出令人耳目一新的现在经典之作- LAMY 2000 系列。LAMY 承传近代包豪斯的工业设计理念, 所有设计的细节都有实用性没有无用的装饰, 别致且实用的设计简直令人惊叹。1984 年诞生了 LAMY twin 两用笔,纤长的金属笔身内有出人意料的设计:轻轻旋扭一下这款独特的原子笔,就能把它变成一支自动铅笔!Lamy twin 两用笔是全球首款既能记笔记,又能画素描的现代书写工具,开启了LAMY多系统书写工具系列的序幕,该系统笔具也很快成为Lamy的专长特色,今天的 Lamy 还发展到3色加上自动铅笔的多用笔,深受高级职业人士的青睐。

LAMY 书写工具深受世界各地人士喜爱,时而见于纽约证劵交易所里、东京大小会议上、或是阿根廷的大学演讲厅内;但其实每件 LAMY 的书写工具,都是在海德堡诚意献制。这里座拥德国最古老的大学,举世著名的古堡、旧城及纳卡河,从这里驾车只需数分钟,便至 LAMY 的基地,研制及生产大小墨水笔、宝珠笔、原子笔和铅芯笔,自 1996 年来默默耕耘,不断创造出美轮美奂的现代设计产品。

全球化成为大趋势,纵使如此,LAMY 仍然会在未来秉持这个传统,皆因 LAMY 已于海德堡扎下深厚的根基,在市内及市外范围拥有 400 多名员工;文化方面,它既是忠烈的守护者,亦是热心的赞助人。再者,LAMY 作为一间家族承继的公司,对其根据地的优厚特质最了解不过,LAMY 的优势与信誉,多多少少要归功于这座几百年来汇集科学、研究精神与都会魅力于一身的活力之都。[:fr]LAMY est une entreprise familiale fondée en 1930 à Heidelberg par C. Josef Lamy.

Après 1952, la firme s’impose sur le marché. Son magnifique stylo plume LAMY 27 a été équipé du système Tinotmatik pour la première fois dans le monde. En 1966, Gerd A. Müller lance la pièce classique et rafraîchissante de la série LAMY 2000. Chaque détail est classique, pratique mais sans décoration superflue.

LAMY TWIN, fabriqué en 1984 fonctionne de deux façons : au crayon mécanique et au stylo. Il est le premier stylo fonctionnel bidirectionnel qui permet de noter et de dessiner. Ce système multifonctionnel est devenu la caractéristique professionnelle de LAMY. Aujourd’hui, de nombreuses professions de haut niveau apprécient les stylos trois couleurs et les porte-mines LAMY.

Présent dans le monde entier : en bourse à New York, lors de conférences à Tokyo ou dans les salles de discours des universités, chaque LAMY est délicatement fabriqué à Heidelberg et est entièrement façonné par la firme, y compris la plume. Tous les types de stylos LAMY sont conçus, développés et fabriqués selon les traditions de fabrication des stylos malgré la mondialisation. La famille LAMY emploie plus de 400 employés et se consacre à la préservation de la culture.[:KO]LAMY was established in 1930 in Heidelberg by C. Josef Lamy.
After 1952 it really came to the fore. Its beautiful LAMY 27 fountain pen was equipped with Tinotmatik system the first time in the world. In 1966 Gerd A. Müller launched the refreshing classic piece of LAMY 2000 series. The Bauhaus industrial design concept is fully developed in LAMY’s design. Every detail is classic, practical but without unnecessary decoration.

LAMY TWIN was made in 1984. This pen fuctions in two ways – mechanical pencil and pen. LAMY TWIN is the first two-way functional pen that allows to note and sketch. This multi-functional system became LAMY’s professional characteristics. Nowadays many high-ranking professions are fond of LAMY’s three colour pens and one mechanical pencils.
LAMY can be seen worldwide, such as in stock exchange in New York, conferences in Tokyo or speech hall in universities. Every single LAMY is delicately made in Heidelberg, Germany. This town with the oldest university in Germany, famous castle, old town and Neckar River. From here only a few minute driving, you reach the base where all types of LAMY pens are designed, developed and manufactured.
Based on the traditions of pen manufacturing despite of globalization, LAMY family employs over 400 employees and devotes as well as culture preservation.[:es]LAMY was established in 1930 in Heidelberg by C. Josef Lamy.
After 1952 it really came to the fore. Its beautiful LAMY 27 fountain pen was equipped with Tinotmatik system the first time in the world. In 1966 Gerd A. Müller launched the refreshing classic piece of LAMY 2000 series. The Bauhaus industrial design concept is fully developed in LAMY’s design. Every detail is classic, practical but without unnecessary decoration.

LAMY TWIN was made in 1984. This pen fuctions in two ways – mechanical pencil and pen. LAMY TWIN is the first two-way functional pen that allows to note and sketch. This multi-functional system became LAMY’s professional characteristics. Nowadays many high-ranking professions are fond of LAMY’s three colour pens and one mechanical pencils.
LAMY can be seen worldwide, such as in stock exchange in New York, conferences in Tokyo or speech hall in universities. Every single LAMY is delicately made in Heidelberg, Germany. This town with the oldest university in Germany, famous castle, old town and Neckar River. From here only a few minute driving, you reach the base where all types of LAMY pens are designed, developed and manufactured.
Based on the traditions of pen manufacturing despite of globalization, LAMY family employs over 400 employees and devotes as well as culture preservation.[:it][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Lamy

Il rinomato marchio di penne Lamy venne fondato nel 1930 da C. Josef Lamy, fu però nel 1952 che iniziò ad affermarsi nel mercato internazionale grazie all’introduzione dell’innovativo „Tintomatik System“, utilizzato per le splendide penne stilografiche LAMY 27. Nel 1966 Gerd A. Müller venne fortemente influenzato dalla filosofia del Bauhaus nel design della linea LAMY 2000 che lo portò alla progettazione di penne altamente pratiche, ma classiche, senza eccessivi decori.

Un’altra innovazione introdotta da Lamy nel settore della cancelleria fu la LAMY TWIN nel 1984. Si tratta di una penna a doppio uso, ossia con un leggero movimento rotatorio si può passare dalla penna a sfera alla mina della matita; ancora oggi questo sistema multiuso viene utilizzato in diverse collezioni LAMY, tanto da diventare la caratteristica distintiva del marchio.

Le penne LAMY sono talmente apprezzate che si possono trovare negli ambiti più svariati, dalla borsa di New York, alle conferenze a Tokyo fino alle aule universitarie di tutto il mondo. Ogni articolo viene realizzato con la massima meticolosità e per rendere possibile ciò tutte le penne vengono progettate, create e preparate per l’esportazione nella loro città d’origine, ossia Heidelberg, una nelle più importanti città universitarie della Germania. Attualmente l’azienda di famiglia conta più di 400 dipendenti dediti a preservare il nome dell’azienda.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][:ru]LAMY was established in 1930 in Heidelberg by C. Josef Lamy.
After 1952 it really came to the fore. Its beautiful LAMY 27 fountain pen was equipped with Tinotmatik system the first time in the world. In 1966 Gerd A. Müller launched the refreshing classic piece of LAMY 2000 series. The Bauhaus industrial design concept is fully developed in LAMY’s design. Every detail is classic, practical but without unnecessary decoration.

LAMY TWIN was made in 1984. This pen fuctions in two ways – mechanical pencil and pen. LAMY TWIN is the first two-way functional pen that allows to note and sketch. This multi-functional system became LAMY’s professional characteristics. Nowadays many high-ranking professions are fond of LAMY’s three colour pens and one mechanical pencils.
LAMY can be seen worldwide, such as in stock exchange in New York, conferences in Tokyo or speech hall in universities. Every single LAMY is delicately made in Heidelberg, Germany. This town with the oldest university in Germany, famous castle, old town and Neckar River. From here only a few minute driving, you reach the base where all types of LAMY pens are designed, developed and manufactured.
Based on the traditions of pen manufacturing despite of globalization, LAMY family employs over 400 employees and devotes as well as culture preservation.[:]