
[:en]Hönes German Black Forest Cuckoo Clock

The world-renown German Black Forest Clock, also known simply as the “cuckoo clock” for its long history and tradition, manufactures cuckoo clocks of the highest quality, showcasing traditional technology and the skilful combination of art and design.

The Black Forest region of Germany can be traced back to the 17th century, although the Germany watch industry cannot provide reliable sources of its first appearance in Germany. However, we can be sure that during the 17th century, Black Forest region watchmaker Franz Anon Ketter, inspired by a church organist, used two bellows to resonate the “goo – goo sound“ – which is why we now confidently say that Black Forest was the breeding ground of cuckoo clocks.

Subsequently, cuckoo clocks began to be popular among the royal family and nobles. More and more workers from the Black Forest region produced clocks and more local people began to develop family workshops. Every winter in the snow-covered Black Forest, clockmakers worked on all kinds of cuckoo clocks and local businessmen began to order and sell the cuckoo clocks to Asia through the Silk Road, or via a cruise across the Atlantic.

Unlike other mechanical cuckoo clocks – its fuselage and decorative craft represent the essence of this tradition. Hönes cuckoo clocks must go through traditional processes, including hand carving wood components; supplemented by traditional mechanical drive principles. The decorative elements that reflect the Black Forest lifestyle, such as timber, firewood, drinking and dancing people and water tankers, vividly perform in coherence with the music and birds.

The cuckoo clocks made by Hönes maintains the excellence of clinical German industrial technology. All wooden components are produced by local clockmakers with Black Forest region timber, following a 200 year tradition. Its vivid, sweet music, and exquisite decoration are absolutely art treasures. And each of its cuckoo clocks are made by renowned master clockmakers.[:de]Hönes – Schwarzwälder Kuckucksuhr

Schwarzwald Uhr; auch als „Kuckucksuhr“ bekannt, ist durch seine lange Geschichte und Tradition bekannt. Die ausgezeichneten und weltbekannten Hönes- Kuckucksuhren weisen die höchste Qualität Schwarzwälder Kuckucksuhren auf. Sie repräsentieren traditionelle Technologie und schaffen durch die Kombination mit dem Design einen Schatz für viele Liebhaber.

Weltweit berühmt und ein Inbegriff für deutsche Wertarbeit sind die Kuckucksuhren aus dem Schwarzwald. Bereits im 17.Jahrhundert ist die Uhrmacherei im Schwarzwald belegt.

Um das Jahr 1750 gelang es erstmals mit zwei unterschiedlichen Blasbälgen den Ruf des Kuckucks in einer Uhr nachzuahmen. Während der langen Wintermonate in den Höhenlagen des Schwarzwalds stellten die Uhrmacher und Holzhandwerker unterschiedlichste Kuckucksuhren in großer Zahl her. Die sogenannten „Uhrenträger“ vertrieben die Uhren dann während des Sommers in ganz Europa. Mit steigender Nachfrage verkauften sie diese dann auch nach Amerika und Asien.

Die heute typische Grundform des Uhrengehäuses geht auf die „Bahnhäusle“- Kuckucksuhr mit geschnitzten Beinzeigern und Gewichten in Form von Tannenzapfen aus der Zeit um 1850 zurück.

Die Firma HÖNES in Titisee-Neustadt steht in der langen Tradition der Holzuhrenproduktion dieser Region. Alle Uhrengehäuse und Holzschnitzereien der Kuckucksuhren werden in Handarbeit, teilweise in kleinen Familienunternehmen, im Schwarzwald gefertigt. Besonderer Wert wird auf die Verwendung zeitgenauer mechanischer Uhrwerke gelegt.

Das breite Sortiment an Kuckucksuhren der Firma Hönes umfasst die klassischen Schnitzmodelle mit Vögeln und Laubwerk, ebenso wie aufwendige Jagdstücke mit Hirschen, Hasen oder Greifvögeln.

Großer Beliebtheit erfreuen sich auch die Uhren mit beweglichen Figuren, wie Biertrinker, Holzhacker, Schwarzwaldmädchen und tanzenden Paaren, die sich zu jeder halben und vollen Stunde bewegen. Letztere zum Klang eines eingebauten mechanischen Musikspielwerkes mit einer oder zwei verschiedenen Melodien.

Getreu dem Motto: „Die Zeit steht nicht still“ entwickelt Hönes die Kuckucksuhren in Design und technischer Funktion ständig weiter und bietet neben den jährlichen Neuheiten eine limitierte Edition der Uhr des Jahres.

HÖNES-Kuckucksuhren vereinen Schwarzwälder Handwerkskunst mit technischer Präzision und produzieren Schmuckstücke für höchste Qualitätsansprüche.[:zh]亨尼诗 (Hönes) 德国黑森林布谷鸟钟旗舰品牌

德国黑森林布谷鸟钟,又称“咕咕钟“,其悠久的历史传承、顶尖的工艺技术享誉世界。Hönes 亨尼诗则是德国黑森林布谷鸟钟最高品质的代表,传统工艺技术与德系黑森林血统艺术设计的完美结合。



第一个发明布谷鸟钟的人已经无从考证,德国钟表工业界也无法提供可靠的文献证明其第一次出现的是在德国,所以“咕咕钟是由德国人发明的”这样的说法无法证实。然而,我们可以确信的是,约在 1750 年前后,黑森林地区的钟表匠法兰安东·卡特(Franz Anon Ketter)先生受到教堂管风琴的启发,利用两个风箱模仿布谷鸟发出“咕­—咕”声——这也是我们说黑森林地区是布谷鸟钟的孕育之地的原因。


而随着工业技术的发展,各式各样的先进制造设备和生产方法也不停的被引进到黑森林地区。然而,其中以亨尼诗为代表的顶尖厂商们,仍然坚持着黑森林布谷鸟钟的传统。除了机芯走时部件由现代精准科学工艺完成之外,所有机身、外部装饰以及布谷鸟报时的部分都是由黑森林地区世代传承的钟表世家的工匠手工完成的。例如 Hönes 亨尼诗的布谷鸟钟,没有任何一款是批量生产的商品,而是有着悠久历史、顶级质量的艺术品。



而 Hönes 亨尼诗布谷鸟钟的工艺更是精益求精,除了利用精准严格的德国工业技术生产的机芯之外,其他所有部件都是有当地钟表世家的匠人,精选黑森林地区本地的特有木材。其浑厚而清脆的鸟鸣,悦耳而悠扬的音乐,生动而精致的装饰,是绝对的艺术珍品,黑森林布谷鸟钟的典范之作。而且每一款布谷鸟钟,都是由享誉盛名的制钟大师精心设计而成。

Hönes 亨尼诗布谷鸟钟因其优雅的设计、精良的工艺以及无可挑剔的细节而享誉世界。Hönes亨尼诗布谷鸟钟作为传统工艺和艺术的完美结合,是黑森林布谷鸟制钟工业界公认的最高典范,也是极具实用性和观赏性的收藏品的不二之选。









l   悬挂咕咕钟要保持上下垂直,防止木制钟摆磕碰钟身产生摩擦而停摆

l   调整时间不要播时针,播动分针即可,快速播指针前先关掉开关

l   上弦拉动金属链条时保持轻缓匀速,防止钟身倾斜而停摆,切不可向下拉重锤

l   确认机芯无损坏或机械故障、指针无摩擦的情况下,挂摆后走一会儿就停了,可多送钟摆几次,靠钟摆 自身去调节擒纵系统到最佳工作位置,具体操作:把钟摆推到一侧放手做自由落体,多试几次即可

l   通过上下调节钟摆上的螺丝或木块可校准时间,调节一次之后最好等两天之后再调教

l   定期(一年或两年)加油润滑,十年左右清洗保养一次机芯(看居室卫生环境而定)

l   挪动搬运布谷钟时,要固定好金属拉链,防止滑链,最好钟面向上yi

l   不要拉动布谷鸟出来报时的小门,挪动前固定好

l   咕咕种的走時精確度可通过移动钟摆上的摆叶來调节。摆叶轻微下移會走得慢些, 反之則会快些。每次调节完畢应该一记号以便为下次调整作参考, 直至準確。[:fr]Hönes, le coucou à pendule allemand de la Forêt Noire

L’horloge typique de la Forêt-Noire allemande, ou encore appelée „pendule à coucou“, jouit d’une réputation mondiale en raison de la qualité de son travail, alliant une technique traditionnelle à une parfaite association d’art et de design.

L’histoire de l’horloge à coucou de la Forêt Noire

Les premières preuves de cette horloge particulière remontent déjà au dix-septième siècle dans la région allemande de la Forêt-Noire, même si l’industrie horlogère allemande n’a pas encore réussi à fournir des données fiables sur sa première apparition dans cette région. Il est toutefois évident qu’à cette époque l’horloger Anon Ketter, originaire de la Forêt-Noire, s’inspirait de l’orgue de l’église pour introduire le soufflet dans l’horloge afin de reproduire le son intemporel du „cù-cù“. Pour cette raison, il est possible de confirmer que le Schwarzwald est par définition le lieu de naissance des horloges à coucou.

Par la suite, la demande d’horloges à coucou a commencé à augmenter entre les familles royales et les nobles, de manière à amener davantage d’ouvriers et de familles de la région à se spécialiser dans la production de montres. Chaque hiver, dans la Forêt Noire recouverte de neige, les horlogers travaillaient sur toutes sortes d’horloges à coucou et les hommes d’affaires locaux commençaient à commander et à vendre ces horloges à l’Asie par le biais de la Route de la soie ou d’une croisière à travers l’Atlantique.

Contrairement aux autres horloges à coucou mécaniques, son fuselage et ses objets décoratifs représentent l’essence de cette tradition. Les horloges à coucou Hönes doivent suivre le processus traditionnel, qui comprend la sculpture à la main des divers composants en bois, complétée par le soutien des principes directeurs traditionnels de la mécanique. Les éléments décoratifs qui ornent les horloges représentent le mieux le style de vie de la Forêt-Noire: arbres, bois de chauffage, personnes qui dansent et portent un toast, musique et oiseaux.

Les horloges à coucou fabriquées par Hönes maintiennent l’excellence de la technologie industrielle allemande. Tous les composants en bois sont fabriqués par des horlogers locaux avec du bois de la région de la Forêt Noire, selon une tradition de 200 ans. Sa musique douce et vive et sa décoration exquise sont des trésors d’art et chaque pièce est créée avec précision par les plus grands maîtres horlogers.[:KO]Hönes German Black Forest Cuckoo Clock

The world-renown German Black Forest Clock, also known simply as the “cuckoo clock” for its long history and tradition, manufactures cuckoo clocks of the highest quality, showcasing traditional technology and the skilful combination of art and design.

Black Forest Cuckoo Clock History

The Black Forest region of Germany can be traced back to the 17th century, although the Germany watch industry cannot provide reliable sources of its first appearance in Germany. However, we can be sure that during the 17th century, Black Forest region watchmaker Franz Anon Ketter, inspired by a church organist, used two bellows to resonate the “goo – goo sound“ – which is why we now confidently say that Black Forest was the breeding ground of cuckoo clocks.

Subsequently, cuckoo clocks began to be popular among the royal family and nobles. More and more workers from the Black Forest region produced clocks and more local people began to develop family workshops. Every winter in the snow-covered Black Forest, clockmakers worked on all kinds of cuckoo clocks and local businessmen began to order and sell the cuckoo clocks to Asia through the Silk Road, or via a cruise across the Atlantic.

Hönes – the highest quality of German Black Forest Cuckoo Clocks

Unlike other mechanical cuckoo clocks – its fuselage and decorative craft represent the essence of this tradition. Hönes cuckoo clocks must go through traditional processes, including hand carving wood components; supplemented by traditional mechanical drive principles. The decorative elements that reflect the Black Forest lifestyle, such as timber, firewood, drinking and dancing people and water tankers, vividly perform in coherence with the music and birds.

The cuckoo clocks made by Hönes maintains the excellence of clinical German industrial technology. All wooden components are produced by local clockmakers with Black Forest region timber, following a 200 year tradition. Its vivid, sweet music, and exquisite decoration are absolutely art treasures. And each of its cuckoo clocks are made by renowned master clockmakers.[:es]Hönes German Black Forest Cuckoo Clock

The world-renown German Black Forest Clock, also known simply as the “cuckoo clock” for its long history and tradition, manufactures cuckoo clocks of the highest quality, showcasing traditional technology and the skilful combination of art and design.

Black Forest Cuckoo Clock History

The Black Forest region of Germany can be traced back to the 17th century, although the Germany watch industry cannot provide reliable sources of its first appearance in Germany. However, we can be sure that during the 17th century, Black Forest region watchmaker Franz Anon Ketter, inspired by a church organist, used two bellows to resonate the “goo – goo sound“ – which is why we now confidently say that Black Forest was the breeding ground of cuckoo clocks.

Subsequently, cuckoo clocks began to be popular among the royal family and nobles. More and more workers from the Black Forest region produced clocks and more local people began to develop family workshops. Every winter in the snow-covered Black Forest, clockmakers worked on all kinds of cuckoo clocks and local businessmen began to order and sell the cuckoo clocks to Asia through the Silk Road, or via a cruise across the Atlantic.

Hönes – the highest quality of German Black Forest Cuckoo Clocks

Unlike other mechanical cuckoo clocks – its fuselage and decorative craft represent the essence of this tradition. Hönes cuckoo clocks must go through traditional processes, including hand carving wood components; supplemented by traditional mechanical drive principles. The decorative elements that reflect the Black Forest lifestyle, such as timber, firewood, drinking and dancing people and water tankers, vividly perform in coherence with the music and birds.

The cuckoo clocks made by Hönes maintains the excellence of clinical German industrial technology. All wooden components are produced by local clockmakers with Black Forest region timber, following a 200 year tradition. Its vivid, sweet music, and exquisite decoration are absolutely art treasures. And each of its cuckoo clocks are made by renowned master clockmakers.[:it]Hönes, gli originali orologi a cucù tedeschi della Foresta Nera

Il tipico orologio tedesco della Foresta Nera, o anche noto come orologio a cucù, ha fama mondiale dovuta alla sua manifattura di alta qualità, la quale unisce la tecnica tradizionale ad una perfetta combinazione tra arte e design.

La storia dell’orologio a cucù della Foresta Nera

Si hanno le prime testimonianze di questo particolare orologio già nel XVII secolo, nella regione tedesca della Foresta Nera, anche se l’industria orologiera tedesca non sia ancora riuscita a fornire dati certi sulla sua prima apparizione in questo zone. É evidente, però, che in quest’epoca l’orologiaio Anon Ketter, originario della Foresta Nera, venne ispirato dall’organo della chiesa a introdurre del mantice nell’orologio, così da riprodurre l’intramontabile suono del „cù-cù“. Per questa ragione è possibile attestare che la Schwarzwald è per definizione la terra natale degli orologi a cucù.

Successivamente, la domanda di orologi a cucù iniziò ad aumentare tra le famiglie reali e i nobili, così da portare sempre più lavoratori e famiglie della regione a specializzarsi nella produzione di orologi. Ogni inverno, nell’innevata Foresta Nera, un gran numero di orologiai lavorava ai più svariati modelli di orologi, i quali venivano ordinati e venduti dai locali imprenditori in Asia, attraverso la Via della Seta o con navi da carico attraverso l’Atlantico.

Differentemente dagli altri orologi a cucù meccanici, la struttura e le decorazioni artigianali degli orologi Hönes rappresentano l’essenza della tradizione. Essi devono seguire il processo tradizionale, che comprende l’intaglio a mano dei vari componenti in legno, integrato dal supporto dei tradizionali principi guida della meccanica. Gli elementi decorativi che adornano gli orologi raffigurano al meglio lo stile di vita della Foresta Nera: gli alberi, la legna da ardere, persone che ballano e brindano, la musica e gli uccellini.

Gli orologi a cucù prodotti da Hönes mantengono l’eccellenza tecnologica tedesca e tutti i loro componenti vengono ricavati da legno locale, seguendo la tradizione da oltre 200 anni. Il connubio tra delicate melodie e deliziose decorazioni li rende dei capolavori nel loro genere. Ogni pezzo viene creato con precisione dai più rinomati mastri orologiai.[:ru]Hönes German Black Forest Cuckoo Clock

The world-renown German Black Forest Clock, also known simply as the “cuckoo clock” for its long history and tradition, manufactures cuckoo clocks of the highest quality, showcasing traditional technology and the skilful combination of art and design.

Black Forest Cuckoo Clock History

The Black Forest region of Germany can be traced back to the 17th century, although the Germany watch industry cannot provide reliable sources of its first appearance in Germany. However, we can be sure that during the 17th century, Black Forest region watchmaker Franz Anon Ketter, inspired by a church organist, used two bellows to resonate the “goo – goo sound“ – which is why we now confidently say that Black Forest was the breeding ground of cuckoo clocks.

Subsequently, cuckoo clocks began to be popular among the royal family and nobles. More and more workers from the Black Forest region produced clocks and more local people began to develop family workshops. Every winter in the snow-covered Black Forest, clockmakers worked on all kinds of cuckoo clocks and local businessmen began to order and sell the cuckoo clocks to Asia through the Silk Road, or via a cruise across the Atlantic.

Hönes – the highest quality of German Black Forest Cuckoo Clocks

Unlike other mechanical cuckoo clocks – its fuselage and decorative craft represent the essence of this tradition. Hönes cuckoo clocks must go through traditional processes, including hand carving wood components; supplemented by traditional mechanical drive principles. The decorative elements that reflect the Black Forest lifestyle, such as timber, firewood, drinking and dancing people and water tankers, vividly perform in coherence with the music and birds.

The cuckoo clocks made by Hönes maintains the excellence of clinical German industrial technology. All wooden components are produced by local clockmakers with Black Forest region timber, following a 200 year tradition. Its vivid, sweet music, and exquisite decoration are absolutely art treasures. And each of its cuckoo clocks are made by renowned master clockmakers.[:]