[:en]Naef[:de]Naef[:zh]Naef 耐富[:fr]Naef[:KO]Naef[:es]Naef[:it]Naef[:ru]Naef[:]

[:en]Naef, the famous family brand was founded by Kurt Naef in 1954 in Basle, Switzerland. The core concepts of Naef are to create products of “beautiful shape and colour“, “clever structuring“, “high quality materials“ and “excellent craftsmenship“. The promise of quality allows children to explore the world in their own ways, giving children the opportunity to experience and discover new concepts. Naef considered that early childhood experiences of playing is the most important factor in a child’s upbringing and wellbeing, therefore Naef always maintains the highest quality in its products. The manufacturing process insists on pure hand-made sculpture. All toys are considered as toy art-crafts, combining classic shapes, colour, intellectual structures, well-chose materials and excellent craft skills. Over half of the high quality toys are exported to Germany, Japan, France, and the U.S. All the commodities use environmentally friendly wood material, and the colouring of Naef products only uses premium quality paint. Each toy is carefully examined throughout the entire production process to ensure high quality finishing.[:de]Naef, die berühmte Familienmarke wurde 1953 von Kurt Naef in Basel gegründet.

Die Kernkonzepte Naefs bestehen aus den Faktoren Ästhetik, dem praktischen Gebrauch, und auf die Qualität.

Um den Schützlingen während ihre Kindheit möglichst viel Freude zu bereiten und gleichzeitig die Erfahrung zu steigern, legt Naef vor allem Wert auf die Qualität, der Ästethik und dem praktischen Gebrauch ihrer Produkte.

Alle Spielzeuge werden sind Handgefertigt, welche durch klassische Formen, Farbe, feinen Strukturen kombiniert werden. Dabei werden alle  Naef-Produkten mit umweltfreundlichen Holzmaterial und mit hochwertigem Lacke angefertigt. Jedes Spielzeug wird sorgfältig während des gesamten Produktionsprozesses geprüft, um eine qualitativ hochwertige Verarbeitung zu gewährleisten.

Das Qualitätsversprechen ermöglicht es Eltern ihren Kindern mit gutem Gewissen die Welt auf ihre eigene Weise zu erforschen. Über die Hälfte der Spielzeuge werden nach Deutschland, Japan, Frankreich und den USA exportiert.

 [:zh]智慧的架构, 精湛的工艺   耐富 naef

耐富 naef  这个著名的瑞士家族企业诞生于1954年的巴塞尔,由 Kurt naef  先生创立。耐富的玩具理念是 “漂亮的外形与颜色” , “智慧的架构” , “完美的材料” , “精湛的工艺”。



Naef, la célèbre marque familiale a été fondée par Kurt Naef en 1954 à Bâle, en Suisse. Les concepts de base de Naef sont de créer des produits de «belle forme et couleur», de «structuration intelligente», de «matériaux de haute qualité» et de «qualité de travail irréprochable». La promesse de qualité permet aux enfants d’explorer le monde à leur manière, en leur donnant l’occasion de faire l’expérience et de découvrir de nouveaux concepts. Naef a estimé que les expériences de jeu dans la petite enfance étaient le facteur le plus important de l’éducation et du bien-être des enfants. C’est pourquoi Naef maintient toujours la plus haute qualité de ses produits. Le processus de fabrication insiste sur la pure sculpture faite à la main. Tous les jouets sont considérés comme des objets d’artisanat, combinant des formes classiques, des couleurs, des structures intellectuelles, des matériaux bien choisis et un excellent savoir-faire. Plus de la moitié des jouets de haute qualité sont exportés vers l’Allemagne, le Japon, la France et les États-Unis. Tous les produits utilisent du bois respectueux de l’environnement et la coloration des produits Naef n’utilise que de la peinture de qualité supérieure. Chaque jouet est soigneusement examiné tout au long du processus de production pour garantir une finition de haute qualité.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][:KO]Naef, the famous family brand was founded by Kurt Naef in 1954 in Basle, Switzerland. The core concepts of Naef are to create products of “beautiful shape and colour“, “clever structuring“, “high quality materials“ and “excellent craftsmenship“. The promise of quality allows children to explore the world in their own ways, giving children the opportunity to experience and discover new concepts. Naef considered that early childhood experiences of playing is the most important factor in a child’s upbringing and wellbeing, therefore Naef always maintains the highest quality in its products. The manufacturing process insists on pure hand-made sculpture. All toys are considered as toy art-crafts, combining classic shapes, colour, intellectual structures, well-chose materials and excellent craft skills. Over half of the high quality toys are exported to Germany, Japan, France, and the U.S. All the commodities use environmentally friendly wood material, and the colouring of Naef products only uses premium quality paint. Each toy is carefully examined throughout the entire production process to ensure high quality finishing.[:es][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Naef, la famosa marca familiar fue fundada por Kurt Naef en 1954 en Basilea, Suiza. Los conceptos centrales de Naef son crear productos de „hermosa forma y color“, „estructuración inteligente“, „materiales de alta calidad“ y „excelente artesanía“. La promesa de calidad permite a los niños explorar el mundo a su manera, brindándoles la oportunidad de experimentar y descubrir nuevos conceptos. Naef consideró que las experiencias de juego en la primera infancia son el factor más importante en la educación y el bienestar de un niño, por lo tanto, Naef siempre mantiene la más alta calidad en sus productos. El proceso de fabricación insiste en la escultura pura hecha a mano. Todos los juguetes se consideran artesanías de juguete, que combinan formas clásicas, color, estructuras intelectuales, materiales bien elegidos y excelentes habilidades artesanales. Más de la mitad de los juguetes de alta calidad se exportan a Alemania, Japón, Francia y los EE. UU. Todos los productos utilizan material de madera ecológico, y la coloración de los productos Naef solo usa pintura de calidad superior. Cada juguete se examina cuidadosamente durante todo el proceso de producción para garantizar un acabado de alta calidad.


Il noto marchio svizzero Naef venne fondato da Kurt Naef nel 1954 a Basilea seguendo l’idea di creare prodotti „di colori e forme meravigliose“, con una „struttura intelligente“, „materiali di alta qualità“ e „di eccellente artigianato“ permettendo ai bambini di essere liberi di scoprire e provare nuove esperienze. Naef sostiene che l’esperienza del gioco nella prima fase dell’infanzia sia essenziale per il benessere e l’educazione del bambino, per questo la qualità dei prodotti Naef deve essere sempre al top. Il processo di produzione si focalizza soprattutto sulla lavorazione a mano delle forme, cosicché ogni giocattolo combini forme, colori, materiali pregiati e l’eccellenza dei mastri artigiani. I giochi Naef non sono popolari solamente in Germania, ma anche in Giappone, Francia e Stati Uniti. I materiali utilizzati sono sostenibili e la vernice utilizzata di qualità pregiata.[:ru]Naef, the famous family brand was founded by Kurt Naef in 1954 in Basle, Switzerland. The core concepts of Naef are to create products of “beautiful shape and colour“, “clever structuring“, “high quality materials“ and “excellent craftsmenship“. The promise of quality allows children to explore the world in their own ways, giving children the opportunity to experience and discover new concepts. Naef considered that early childhood experiences of playing is the most important factor in a child’s upbringing and wellbeing, therefore Naef always maintains the highest quality in its products. The manufacturing process insists on pure hand-made sculpture. All toys are considered as toy art-crafts, combining classic shapes, colour, intellectual structures, well-chose materials and excellent craft skills. Over half of the high quality toys are exported to Germany, Japan, France, and the U.S. All the commodities use environmentally friendly wood material, and the colouring of Naef products only uses premium quality paint. Each toy is carefully examined throughout the entire production process to ensure high quality finishing.[:]