
[:en]Teddy Bear is popular for people all around the world for over one century. Steiff has been the top choice of excellent quality in this one hundred years. The special “golden buckle on the ear“ is well recognized for its symbol and by all Teddy Bear collectors in the world.

Over 130 years – The reputable boutique Teddy Bear
Margarete Steiff GmbH was established in 1880 by its founder Margarette Steiff. From the beginning Margarette Steiff was determined to produce only products with best quality. All sorts of stuffed toys such as gorilla, donkey, pony, and camel were extremely popular. Especially elephant toy designed by Margarete Steiff herself was sold thousands of pieces. It was a remarkable record at that time in Germany.

However, the virtual magnificent age of Steiff Company started from 1902. Teddy Bear of Steiff was created. Margarette’s nephew Richard Steiff, graduating from the School of Arts and Crafts in Stuttgart, Germany, designed a Teddy Bear („Bear 55 PB“) with moveable limbs. The best mohair plush was used as its material. After the Teddy Bear was brought to attend Leipzig Toy Fair, it was a huge hit. An American businessman ordered 3000 pieces of the Teddy Bear and followed year doubled number. However, the sale became very successful after the businessman named the bear toy „Teddy“ after the name of American President Theodore Roosevelt. Since 1902, Steiff Teddy Bear holds the best standard and reputation. Not only it is the best choice of children’s first toy but also the favourite brand of collectors.

The premier material and quality

Since 1902 there are only three types of material when Steiff manufacture its own products-mohair from Duisburg, treasure alpaca hair, and three-dimensional woven technical textiles of web plush.

Each of the material has its own characteristics. Mohair from Duisburg has been the main material used by Steiff because of its excellent spinning quality. Moreover the mohair after dozens of years does not colour-fade, harden, and fall off. This is the main reason why Steiff Teddy Bear is still shining and soft like a new one after many years.

Alpaca hair is considered top of the most luxurious textile material in the world. Steiff toys made with alpaca hair are especially soft and durable. The adorable colour lasts forever. Alpaca hair is usually longer than normal wool. It made Steiff toys further expressive.

Three-dimensional woven technical textile was introduced last half century. It has been the main material for Steiff toys for babies. Textiling with three-dimensional woven makes the toys even more expressive than mohair and alpaca hair. Because the textile was manufactured artificially, the order of fibre is even more regular. Through extremely rigid examination of chemicals, babies can contact with them intimately. There is no worry of any allergic reactions.

Traditional craft- every each stitch

German’s sophisticated production standards are world-famous. Steiff has been the best manufactures as a heritage of 100 years. Most of the factory workers working in Steiff factories are generations of family. The generations inherit not only the techniques of toy-making, but also the cultural history of Steiff. Even in the new Steiff toys Steiff, one can sense nostalgic elements of Steiff’s profound history.

In 2005 Steiff Company established a factory in China to reduce costs. After only four years, they decided to withdraw. Because of the strict manufacture requirements and the relative cost of logistics, the factory in China not only did not save Steiff from costs but due to the low quality of labeling it increased the costs. Paying attention to details is one of the most familiar process in Steiff’s manufacturing. The fast turnover of the factory in China did match Steiff’s concept of management because each new employee must be trained at least three months. As the manager said ”Every millimeter difference of the position of a glass eyeball would make a cute Teddy Bear into silly-looking.”
It is not difficult to tell that the high standards and persistence are the traditional heritage of Steiff’s craft.

Repetitive examination- golden ear buckle
Every single Steiff’s toy, for instance a Teddy Bear, has to go through at least thirty different examinations from design to finished product. Any mistakes such as an extra stitch on the nose fail the examinations. That is why the factory in China had increased the cost of manufacturing instead. Not only the examinations of details, Steiff Teddy Bear must as well, pass various tests like extrusion, tension, and tearing. After all the examinations, a Steiff Teddy Bear is qualified with a tiny golden ear buckle.

Golden ear buckle – the most reputed collection value
The golden ear buckle is the specific patent logo of Steiff, as well as the guarantee document. At the front side, there is the registered patent logo. On the back site, there is information of specific code, produced amount, the quality guarantee year. There are three Steiff golden ear buckle: the yellow tag with red prints meaning it is not limited produced, the white tag with red prints meaning it is limited edition in the world, which on the back states how many were produced in which year, the what tag with black prints meaning it is the limited classic Steiff’s toys and will now re-produce in many years.

This specific golden ear buckle has made Steff’s teddy bear the most popular collection. For instance in 1989, a very rare red Steiff Teddy Bear named Afnor was collected into a museum with a value of 10.21 thousand pounds.

In 1994, a cinnamon colour Steiff Teddy Bear recorded 110 thousand pounds in Christies auction in the world. In 2000, a limited cooperation design by Luis Vuitton made a 213720 Euro record. The same year in December, a black Steiff Teddy Bear (600 made to commemorate Titanic) was sold with a price of 91.75 thousand pounds. Above records have shown how treasure Steiff Teddy Bears is. As an investment, it is the most valuable Teddy Bear. Meanwhile you will find it the most precious Teddy Bear that you would ever have.[:de]Seit über hundert Jahren sind echte STEIFF Teddybären einzigartige Kuscheltiere, Spielgefährten und gefragte Sammlerstücke, die durch ihre hochwertige Qualität auf dem Markt bekannt und geliebt werden.

Im Jahr 1880 gründete Margarete Steiff in Giengen an der Brenz die Steiffmanufaktur und fertigte mit einem kleinen Stoffelefanten ihr erstes erfolgreiches Stofftier an. Ursprünglich ist das „Elefäntle“ als Nadelkissen gedacht, etablierte sich jedoch schnell als Kinderspielzeug. Margarete Steiff entwarf daraufhin weitere Stofftiere und stellte so ihr Unternehmen erfolgreich als Spielwarenfabrik auf die Beine.

Der internationale Durchbruch gelang der Firma mit der Produktion des weltweit ersten Plüschbären mit beweglichen Armen und Beinen 1902 nach einem Entwurf von Margaretes Neffen Richard Steiff. Auf der Leipziger Spielwarenmesse von einem amerikanischen Händler entdeckt, beginnt der Plüschbär unter dem Namen Teddybär – benannt nach dem amerikanischen Präsidenten Theodore „Teddy“ Roosevelt – ab 1906 seinen beispiellosen Siegeszug in den USA.

Getreu dem Motto der Firmengründerin: „Für Kinder ist nur das Beste gerade gut genug“ zeichnen sich alle Steifftiere durch strenge und anspruchsvolle deutsche Qualitätsstandards in der Produktion aus. Zahlreiche Arbeitsschritte, viele in liebevoller Handarbeit, sind nötig, damit ein Kuscheltier entsteht, das höchste Qualitäts- und Sicherheitsanforderungen erfüllt. Alle Materialien sind toxikologisch unbedenklich und alle Kleinteile, wie Augen und Nasen sind so sicher befestigt, dass selbst Baby- und Kinderhände unbedenklich damit spielen können.

Es werden nur die besten Materialien wie Mohair, Alpaca und synthetischer Webpelz aus eigener Weberei mit einer gewährleisten hohe Strapazierfähigkeit angewendet. Dadurch erhalten die Stofftiere einen individuellen Glanz, Weiche und Langlebigkeit.

Seit 1904 garantiert der Metall-„Knopf im Ohr“ die Originalität der Produkte und schützt die Marke vor Nachahmungen. Steifftiere sind heute in einem breiten Sortiment erhältlich: weiche Schmusetiere für Babys, strapazierfähige Plüschtiere für Kinder jeden Alters, begehrte Repliken alter Modelle und kostbare Sammlerstücke in limitierten Editionen.[:zh]德国史戴芙 (Steiff ) 泰迪熊

泰迪熊因其可爱而不乏优雅的外形受到世界各地喜爱毛绒玩具的人们的追捧已长达一个多世纪,而德国史戴芙  Steiff 泰迪熊则以其无可挑剔的品质在这 100 多年中始终占据着第一的位置。史戴芙 Steiff 泰迪熊所特有的“金耳扣”不仅仅是其独一无二的品牌象征,也成为了世界各地泰迪熊收藏爱好者所公认的航标。

传承百年 享誉世界——逾 130 年的玩具生产历史,蜚声世界的精品泰迪熊

德国史戴芙公司(Margarete Steiff GmbH)由其创始人玛格丽特·史戴芙(Margarete Steiff)于 1880 年正式注册成立。从一开始玛格丽特·史戴芙就为公司定下了“只有最好的产品才可以出厂销售”的信条,而后该公司的各式填充玩具动物如猩猩、驴子、小马和骆驼等都十分畅销,但是最为畅销还是玛格丽特亲自设计的“小象玩偶”,年销售近千件,在当时的德国是令人难以想象的成绩。

当然,史戴芙公司真正的辉煌始于 1902 年,因为在这一年,泰迪熊诞生了。玛格丽特的最爱的侄子,一位从斯图加特艺术设计学院毕业的设计师,理查德·史戴芙(Richard Steiff) 在这一年设计出了一款编号为 “Bär 55 PB” 的四肢可活动的毛绒熊,并利用杜伊斯堡舒尔特纺织厂所生产的的最佳马海毛绒作为原材料。当时玛格丽特持着怀疑态度,但是她还是和她的侄子一起把这一款熊逮到了当年的莱比锡玩具展上,而后,轰动了整个世界。其实展会的前两天虽然不停有人询问关于这一款毛绒熊的信息,但是无人下单,直到一个美国商人,一口气定下了3000 件。而后,这位商人每年订货量翻倍,但都在美国销售告罄,于是,1906 年,他根据美国总统 Theodore  将这款毛绒熊命名为 “Teddy”,泰迪熊的名字由此享誉世界。从 1902 年至今,史戴芙泰迪熊(Steiff Teddybär)一直坚持着业内最高标准,有口皆碑,不仅是给孩子生命中第一件毛绒玩具的最佳选择,也是收藏界最钟爱的品牌,没有之一。

最优选材 品质保障——顶尖的品质从严格选材开始,极致选材铸造完美杰作

自 1902 年以来,史戴芙无论是在生产泰迪熊还是其他毛绒产品时,永远都只有三种材料:杜伊斯堡纺织厂特供的精选安哥拉山羊毛 (Mohair);有印加黄金美誉的极品羊驼毛 (Alpaca); 以及近年来利用立体编织技术纺织而成的编制软毛(Webplüsch) 。

这三种材料各有自己的特色。由杜伊斯堡纺织厂提供安哥拉山羊毛,之所以能在 100 多年来一直作为史戴芙的主要选材,不仅仅是因为它始终如一的纺织品质,更是因为经过多年的验证,安哥拉山羊毛能给史戴芙毛绒玩具提供的柔软触感和完美光泽都能够经过数十年的使用而丝毫不褪色、掉毛亦或是硬化。它是史戴芙泰迪熊能够在数十年后依然让人感受到靓丽光泽、柔和触感、宛如新品的主要原因。




德国人严谨而考究的生产工艺标准世界闻名,然而史戴芙作为传承 100 多年的金牌厂家,更是有着深厚的历史沉淀,其德国工厂的大部分员工基本都是家族式在史戴芙工厂工作的。他们世代继承的不仅仅是流传的工艺,同时也继承了史戴芙的文化。在史戴芙每年的新品中,我们不难发现,在新的款式中总是有点点滴滴的复古怀旧的元素,让人可以亲切感受到来自史戴芙的深厚底蕴。

在 2005 年,史戴芙公司曾在中国设立一家代工厂,尝试节约成本,但仅仅在四年后就果断撤出了。——因为由于严格的工艺要求和相对的物流成本,中国代工厂不仅没有给史戴芙节约成本,反而由于质量标注太低使得成本增加了不少。史戴芙的优秀品质源于制造过程中对细节的熟悉和专注,而中国工厂人员流动大,德国每次培养一名新人便要 3 个多月时间,同时,如史戴芙经理所说“一只玻璃眼珠的位置即使差出一毫米,泰迪熊原本可爱专注的面容就会变得又呆又傻。”


严格把关 反复检验——从头到尾的显微镜式检验标准,唯有通过所有考验才能打上“金耳扣”


专属印记 典藏航标——特有的“金耳扣”认证标识系统,泰迪熊收藏界公认最具收藏价值的象征

史戴芙的金色耳扣标章是其特有的专利 Logo。它既是史戴芙独一无二的高品质的象征,同时也是顾客和收藏者们最爱的识别标志。


这特有的完备的金耳扣标示系统使得史戴芙的泰迪熊从玩具变成了收藏界的宠儿。例如 1989 年,一只名叫亚法诺的极为罕见的红色Steiff熊以 1.21 万英镑的价格被收藏家买下,放在自己的私人博物馆里。震惊了玩具收藏界。1994年,佳士得拍卖行,一只 1904  年版的肉桂色 steiff 熊——泰迪女孩创下了11 万英镑的全球价格记录。2000 年,一只史戴芙与路易威登合作发行的限量版创造了 213,720 欧元的成交记录。同年 12 月,黑色的泰迪哀悼熊(在泰坦尼克海难后制作了 600 只)在苏士比拍卖行以 9.175 万英镑的价格成交。2006年7月,伦敦克利斯蒂拍卖行,两年一次的泰迪熊拍卖中,两只20世纪早期的Steiff熊,拍卖估价为 9000 英镑。这些记录无一不说明了史戴芙泰迪熊的珍贵。当然,作为投资品,它是最具有收藏价值的泰迪熊,而抱在怀里,它便是你一生中最重视的永远对你微笑的伙伴。[:fr][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Steiff

Les ours en peluche STEIFF sont les animaux en peluche les plus célèbres depuis plus de 100 ans : animaux en peluche, camarades de jeu, jusqu’aux objets de collection ; la qualité est ce qui les rend inimitables.

En 1880, Margarete Steiff fonda sa société avec l’idée d’utiliser uniquement les meilleurs matériaux. Elle a commencé à produire des animaux en peluche de tous types : gorilles, girafes, poneys, chameaux, mais le bébé éléphant en peluche était certainement celui qui avait le plus de succès. Initialement, il s’agissait d’une pelote, mais le public l’a immédiatement revendiqué comme un jouet. C’est pourquoi Margarete Steiff a saisi cette opportunité pour transformer sa marque en une fabrique de jouets à succès. Selon le projet de son neveu Richard Steiff, ce qui a permis à Steiff de percer sur le marché mondial, c’est la première production d’ours en peluche à bras et jambes mobiles en 1902. D’abord, ils ont été commercialisés à la foire du jouet de Leipzig, où un marchand américain les a découverts et les a rendus célèbres dans le monde entier sous le nom de „Teddy Bear“, du nom du président américain Theodore „Teddy“ Roosevelt.

Depuis 1902, Steiff Teddy Bear détient le meilleur standard et la meilleure réputation. C’est non seulement le meilleur choix du premier jouet pour enfants, mais également la marque préférée de collectionneurs.

Suivant la devise du fondateur, „nous ne donnons que le meilleur aux enfants“, Steiff se distingue par les normes de qualité exigeantes qui distinguent sa production: chaque étape du traitement de la peluche doit être contrôlée de manière à ce que les exigences de sécurité soient respectées. Aucun matériau ne présente de risque toxicologique, à part toutes les petites parties de la peluche, comme les yeux ou le nez, sont assurées de sorte que même les plus petits puissent jouer avec elle sans aucun risque.

La longue durée de la brillance et de la douceur de la fourrure des animaux empaillés est obtenue exclusivement par l’utilisation des meilleurs matériaux, tels que le mohair, la fourrure écologique et la fourrure d’alpaga, qui sont traités dans les usines textiles de Steiff et mis à l’épreuve pour garantir excellente résistance à l’utilisation.

Depuis 1904, l’étiquette de chaque ourson sur l’oreille est synonyme d’authenticité. Les animaux de Steiff sont disponibles dans un large assortiment, des peluches douces et résistantes pour les enfants de tous les âges, aux répliques recherchées des modèles des premières éditions aux précieux peluches des éditions limitées.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][:KO]Teddy Bear is popular for people all around the world for over one century. Steiff has been the top choice of excellent quality in this one hundred years. The special “golden buckle on the ear“ is well recognized for its symbol and by all Teddy Bear collectors in the world.

Over 130 years – The reputable boutique Teddy Bear
Margarete Steiff GmbH was established in 1880 by its founder Margarette Steiff. From the beginning Margarette Steiff was determined to produce only products with best quality. All sorts of stuffed toys such as gorilla, donkey, pony, and camel were extremely popular. Especially elephant toy designed by Margarete Steiff herself was sold thousands of pieces. It was a remarkable record at that time in Germany.

However, the virtual magnificent age of Steiff Company started from 1902. Teddy Bear of Steiff was created. Margarette’s nephew Richard Steiff, graduating from the School of Arts and Crafts in Stuttgart, Germany, designed a Teddy Bear („Bear 55 PB“) with moveable limbs. The best mohair plush was used as its material. After the Teddy Bear was brought to attend Leipzig Toy Fair, it was a huge hit. An American businessman ordered 3000 pieces of the Teddy Bear and followed year doubled number. However, the sale became very successful after the businessman named the bear toy „Teddy“ after the name of American President Theodore Roosevelt. Since 1902, Steiff Teddy Bear holds the best standard and reputation. Not only it is the best choice of children’s first toy but also the favourite brand of collectors.

The premier material and quality

Since 1902 there are only three types of material when Steiff manufacture its own products-mohair from Duisburg, treasure alpaca hair, and three-dimensional woven technical textiles of web plush.

Each of the material has its own characteristics. Mohair from Duisburg has been the main material used by Steiff because of its excellent spinning quality. Moreover the mohair after dozens of years does not colour-fade, harden, and fall off. This is the main reason why Steiff Teddy Bear is still shining and soft like a new one after many years.

Alpaca hair is considered top of the most luxurious textile material in the world. Steiff toys made with alpaca hair are especially soft and durable. The adorable colour lasts forever. Alpaca hair is usually longer than normal wool. It made Steiff toys further expressive.

Three-dimensional woven technical textile was introduced last half century. It has been the main material for Steiff toys for babies. Textiling with three-dimensional woven makes the toys even more expressive than mohair and alpaca hair. Because the textile was manufactured artificially, the order of fibre is even more regular. Through extremely rigid examination of chemicals, babies can contact with them intimately. There is no worry of any allergic reactions.

Traditional craft- every each stitch

German’s sophisticated production standards are world-famous. Steiff has been the best manufactures as a heritage of 100 years. Most of the factory workers working in Steiff factories are generations of family. The generations inherit not only the techniques of toy-making, but also the cultural history of Steiff. Even in the new Steiff toys Steiff, one can sense nostalgic elements of Steiff’s profound history.

In 2005 Steiff Company established a factory in China to reduce costs. After only four years, they decided to withdraw. Because of the strict manufacture requirements and the relative cost of logistics, the factory in China not only did not save Steiff from costs but due to the low quality of labeling it increased the costs. Paying attention to details is one of the most familiar process in Steiff’s manufacturing. The fast turnover of the factory in China did match Steiff’s concept of management because each new employee must be trained at least three months. As the manager said ”Every millimeter difference of the position of a glass eyeball would make a cute Teddy Bear into silly-looking.”
It is not difficult to tell that the high standards and persistence are the traditional heritage of Steiff’s craft.

Repetitive examination- golden ear buckle
Every single Steiff’s toy, for instance a Teddy Bear, has to go through at least thirty different examinations from design to finished product. Any mistakes such as an extra stitch on the nose fail the examinations. That is why the factory in China had increased the cost of manufacturing instead. Not only the examinations of details, Steiff Teddy Bear must as well, pass various tests like extrusion, tension, and tearing. After all the examinations, a Steiff Teddy Bear is qualified with a tiny golden ear buckle.

Golden ear buckle – the most reputed collection value
The golden ear buckle is the specific patent logo of Steiff, as well as the guarantee document. At the front side, there is the registered patent logo. On the back site, there is information of specific code, produced amount, the quality guarantee year. There are three Steiff golden ear buckle: the yellow tag with red prints meaning it is not limited produced, the white tag with red prints meaning it is limited edition in the world, which on the back states how many were produced in which year, the what tag with black prints meaning it is the limited classic Steiff’s toys and will now re-produce in many years.

This specific golden ear buckle has made Steff’s teddy bear the most popular collection. For instance in 1989, a very rare red Steiff Teddy Bear named Afnor was collected into a museum with a value of 10.21 thousand pounds.

In 1994, a cinnamon colour Steiff Teddy Bear recorded 110 thousand pounds in Christies auction in the world. In 2000, a limited cooperation design by Luis Vuitton made a 213720 Euro record. The same year in December, a black Steiff Teddy Bear (600 made to commemorate Titanic) was sold with a price of 91.75 thousand pounds. Above records have shown how treasure Steiff Teddy Bears is. As an investment, it is the most valuable Teddy Bear. Meanwhile you will find it the most precious Teddy Bear that you would ever have.[:es]Teddy Bear is popular for people all around the world for over one century. Steiff has been the top choice of excellent quality in this one hundred years. The special “golden buckle on the ear“ is well recognized for its symbol and by all Teddy Bear collectors in the world.

Over 130 years – The reputable boutique Teddy Bear
Margarete Steiff GmbH was established in 1880 by its founder Margarette Steiff. From the beginning Margarette Steiff was determined to produce only products with best quality. All sorts of stuffed toys such as gorilla, donkey, pony, and camel were extremely popular. Especially elephant toy designed by Margarete Steiff herself was sold thousands of pieces. It was a remarkable record at that time in Germany.

However, the virtual magnificent age of Steiff Company started from 1902. Teddy Bear of Steiff was created. Margarette’s nephew Richard Steiff, graduating from the School of Arts and Crafts in Stuttgart, Germany, designed a Teddy Bear („Bear 55 PB“) with moveable limbs. The best mohair plush was used as its material. After the Teddy Bear was brought to attend Leipzig Toy Fair, it was a huge hit. An American businessman ordered 3000 pieces of the Teddy Bear and followed year doubled number. However, the sale became very successful after the businessman named the bear toy „Teddy“ after the name of American President Theodore Roosevelt. Since 1902, Steiff Teddy Bear holds the best standard and reputation. Not only it is the best choice of children’s first toy but also the favourite brand of collectors.

The premier material and quality

Since 1902 there are only three types of material when Steiff manufacture its own products-mohair from Duisburg, treasure alpaca hair, and three-dimensional woven technical textiles of web plush.

Each of the material has its own characteristics. Mohair from Duisburg has been the main material used by Steiff because of its excellent spinning quality. Moreover the mohair after dozens of years does not colour-fade, harden, and fall off. This is the main reason why Steiff Teddy Bear is still shining and soft like a new one after many years.

Alpaca hair is considered top of the most luxurious textile material in the world. Steiff toys made with alpaca hair are especially soft and durable. The adorable colour lasts forever. Alpaca hair is usually longer than normal wool. It made Steiff toys further expressive.

Three-dimensional woven technical textile was introduced last half century. It has been the main material for Steiff toys for babies. Textiling with three-dimensional woven makes the toys even more expressive than mohair and alpaca hair. Because the textile was manufactured artificially, the order of fibre is even more regular. Through extremely rigid examination of chemicals, babies can contact with them intimately. There is no worry of any allergic reactions.

Traditional craft- every each stitch

German’s sophisticated production standards are world-famous. Steiff has been the best manufactures as a heritage of 100 years. Most of the factory workers working in Steiff factories are generations of family. The generations inherit not only the techniques of toy-making, but also the cultural history of Steiff. Even in the new Steiff toys Steiff, one can sense nostalgic elements of Steiff’s profound history.

In 2005 Steiff Company established a factory in China to reduce costs. After only four years, they decided to withdraw. Because of the strict manufacture requirements and the relative cost of logistics, the factory in China not only did not save Steiff from costs but due to the low quality of labeling it increased the costs. Paying attention to details is one of the most familiar process in Steiff’s manufacturing. The fast turnover of the factory in China did match Steiff’s concept of management because each new employee must be trained at least three months. As the manager said ”Every millimeter difference of the position of a glass eyeball would make a cute Teddy Bear into silly-looking.”
It is not difficult to tell that the high standards and persistence are the traditional heritage of Steiff’s craft.

Repetitive examination- golden ear buckle
Every single Steiff’s toy, for instance a Teddy Bear, has to go through at least thirty different examinations from design to finished product. Any mistakes such as an extra stitch on the nose fail the examinations. That is why the factory in China had increased the cost of manufacturing instead. Not only the examinations of details, Steiff Teddy Bear must as well, pass various tests like extrusion, tension, and tearing. After all the examinations, a Steiff Teddy Bear is qualified with a tiny golden ear buckle.

Golden ear buckle – the most reputed collection value
The golden ear buckle is the specific patent logo of Steiff, as well as the guarantee document. At the front side, there is the registered patent logo. On the back site, there is information of specific code, produced amount, the quality guarantee year. There are three Steiff golden ear buckle: the yellow tag with red prints meaning it is not limited produced, the white tag with red prints meaning it is limited edition in the world, which on the back states how many were produced in which year, the what tag with black prints meaning it is the limited classic Steiff’s toys and will now re-produce in many years.

This specific golden ear buckle has made Steff’s teddy bear the most popular collection. For instance in 1989, a very rare red Steiff Teddy Bear named Afnor was collected into a museum with a value of 10.21 thousand pounds.

In 1994, a cinnamon colour Steiff Teddy Bear recorded 110 thousand pounds in Christies auction in the world. In 2000, a limited cooperation design by Luis Vuitton made a 213720 Euro record. The same year in December, a black Steiff Teddy Bear (600 made to commemorate Titanic) was sold with a price of 91.75 thousand pounds. Above records have shown how treasure Steiff Teddy Bears is. As an investment, it is the most valuable Teddy Bear. Meanwhile you will find it the most precious Teddy Bear that you would ever have.[:it]Steiff

Gli orsetti di peluche STEIFF sono da oltre cento anni i peluche più famosi: animali di pezza, compagni di gioco, fino a oggetti da collezione; la qualità è ciò che li rende inimitabili.

Nel 1880 Margarete Steiff fondò la sua azienda con l’idea di utilizzare unicamente materiali della migliore qualità. Iniziò a produrre peluche di qualsiasi genere di animale: gorilla, giraffe, pony, cammelli, ma l’elefantino di peluche fu senz’altro quello che riscosse più esito. Fu pensato inizialmente come portaspilli, ma venne reclamato subito dal pubblico come giocattolo, per questa ragione Margarete Steiff colse l’opportunità e trasformò il suo marchio in una fabbrica di giocattoli di successo. Ciò che consentì a Steiff di sfondare nel mercato mondiale fu la prima produzione di orsetti di peluche con braccia e gambe mobili, nel 1902, secondo il progetto del nipote Richard Steiff. In primis, vennero commercializzati alla fiera del giocattolo di Lipsia, dove un commerciante americano li scoprì e li rese famosi in tutto il mondo con il nome di „Tedddy Bear“, dal nome del presidente americano Theodore „Teddy“ Roosevelt.

Seguendo il motto della fondatrice, „diamo ai bambini solo il meglio“, la Steiff spicca per gli esigenti standard di qualità che contraddistinguono la sua produzione: ogni fase di lavorazione del peluche deve essere controllata in modo che i requisiti di sicurezza vengano rispettati. Nessun materiale presenta rischio tossicologico, inoltre tutte le piccole parti del peluche, come occhi o naso, vengono assicurate cosicché anche i più piccoli possano giocarci senza alcuno rischio.

La lunga durata della lucentezza e morbidezza della pelliccia degli animali di pezza viene ottenuta esclusivamente grazie all’utilizzo dei migliori materiali, come il mohair, la pelliccia ecologica e quella di alpaca, i quali vengono trattati negli stabilimenti tessili Steiff e messi alla prova per garantire un’ottima resistenza all’uso.

Fin dal 1904 la targhetta che ogni orsetto di pezza porta all’orecchio è sinonimo di autenticità. Gli animaletti di Steiff sono disponibili in un ampio assortimento, dai soffici e resistenti peluche da coccolare per i bambini di tutte le età, alle ricercate repliche di modelli delle prime edizioni fino ai preziosi peluche da collezione delle edizioni limitate.[:ru]Teddy Bear is popular for people all around the world for over one century. Steiff has been the top choice of excellent quality in this one hundred years. The special “golden buckle on the ear“ is well recognized for its symbol and by all Teddy Bear collectors in the world.

Over 130 years – The reputable boutique Teddy Bear
Margarete Steiff GmbH was established in 1880 by its founder Margarette Steiff. From the beginning Margarette Steiff was determined to produce only products with best quality. All sorts of stuffed toys such as gorilla, donkey, pony, and camel were extremely popular. Especially elephant toy designed by Margarete Steiff herself was sold thousands of pieces. It was a remarkable record at that time in Germany.

However, the virtual magnificent age of Steiff Company started from 1902. Teddy Bear of Steiff was created. Margarette’s nephew Richard Steiff, graduating from the School of Arts and Crafts in Stuttgart, Germany, designed a Teddy Bear („Bear 55 PB“) with moveable limbs. The best mohair plush was used as its material. After the Teddy Bear was brought to attend Leipzig Toy Fair, it was a huge hit. An American businessman ordered 3000 pieces of the Teddy Bear and followed year doubled number. However, the sale became very successful after the businessman named the bear toy „Teddy“ after the name of American President Theodore Roosevelt. Since 1902, Steiff Teddy Bear holds the best standard and reputation. Not only it is the best choice of children’s first toy but also the favourite brand of collectors.

The premier material and quality

Since 1902 there are only three types of material when Steiff manufacture its own products-mohair from Duisburg, treasure alpaca hair, and three-dimensional woven technical textiles of web plush.

Each of the material has its own characteristics. Mohair from Duisburg has been the main material used by Steiff because of its excellent spinning quality. Moreover the mohair after dozens of years does not colour-fade, harden, and fall off. This is the main reason why Steiff Teddy Bear is still shining and soft like a new one after many years.

Alpaca hair is considered top of the most luxurious textile material in the world. Steiff toys made with alpaca hair are especially soft and durable. The adorable colour lasts forever. Alpaca hair is usually longer than normal wool. It made Steiff toys further expressive.

Three-dimensional woven technical textile was introduced last half century. It has been the main material for Steiff toys for babies. Textiling with three-dimensional woven makes the toys even more expressive than mohair and alpaca hair. Because the textile was manufactured artificially, the order of fibre is even more regular. Through extremely rigid examination of chemicals, babies can contact with them intimately. There is no worry of any allergic reactions.

Traditional craft- every each stitch

German’s sophisticated production standards are world-famous. Steiff has been the best manufactures as a heritage of 100 years. Most of the factory workers working in Steiff factories are generations of family. The generations inherit not only the techniques of toy-making, but also the cultural history of Steiff. Even in the new Steiff toys Steiff, one can sense nostalgic elements of Steiff’s profound history.

In 2005 Steiff Company established a factory in China to reduce costs. After only four years, they decided to withdraw. Because of the strict manufacture requirements and the relative cost of logistics, the factory in China not only did not save Steiff from costs but due to the low quality of labeling it increased the costs. Paying attention to details is one of the most familiar process in Steiff’s manufacturing. The fast turnover of the factory in China did match Steiff’s concept of management because each new employee must be trained at least three months. As the manager said ”Every millimeter difference of the position of a glass eyeball would make a cute Teddy Bear into silly-looking.”
It is not difficult to tell that the high standards and persistence are the traditional heritage of Steiff’s craft.

Repetitive examination- golden ear buckle
Every single Steiff’s toy, for instance a Teddy Bear, has to go through at least thirty different examinations from design to finished product. Any mistakes such as an extra stitch on the nose fail the examinations. That is why the factory in China had increased the cost of manufacturing instead. Not only the examinations of details, Steiff Teddy Bear must as well, pass various tests like extrusion, tension, and tearing. After all the examinations, a Steiff Teddy Bear is qualified with a tiny golden ear buckle.

Golden ear buckle – the most reputed collection value
The golden ear buckle is the specific patent logo of Steiff, as well as the guarantee document. At the front side, there is the registered patent logo. On the back site, there is information of specific code, produced amount, the quality guarantee year. There are three Steiff golden ear buckle: the yellow tag with red prints meaning it is not limited produced, the white tag with red prints meaning it is limited edition in the world, which on the back states how many were produced in which year, the what tag with black prints meaning it is the limited classic Steiff’s toys and will now re-produce in many years.

This specific golden ear buckle has made Steff’s teddy bear the most popular collection. For instance in 1989, a very rare red Steiff Teddy Bear named Afnor was collected into a museum with a value of 10.21 thousand pounds.

In 1994, a cinnamon colour Steiff Teddy Bear recorded 110 thousand pounds in Christies auction in the world. In 2000, a limited cooperation design by Luis Vuitton made a 213720 Euro record. The same year in December, a black Steiff Teddy Bear (600 made to commemorate Titanic) was sold with a price of 91.75 thousand pounds. Above records have shown how treasure Steiff Teddy Bears is. As an investment, it is the most valuable Teddy Bear. Meanwhile you will find it the most precious Teddy Bear that you would ever have.[:]