[:en]Fissler is one of the world’s most famous kitchenware manufacturers. The elegant designs and high quality craftsmenship of Fissler products earned it its prestigious reputation worldwide. In 1845, founder Carl Philip Fissler established his company in Idar-Oberstein, Germany. The initial business of the company was the manufacturing and installation of technical pipes. In 1892 Fissler successfully invented the cooking mobile, and from thereon he focused on the manufacture of kitchenware. In 1953, Fissler invented the first transformer type pressure cooker. Since the well-known invention, all sorts of cookers, steam cookers, pressure cookers, knifeware, and other types of kitchenware were introduced, and since then, Fissler kitchenware has become the industry leader of kitchenware. Over one hundred prizes and two hundred patents were awarded to Fissler products for their excellent design and high quality materials and craftsmenship, a result of Fissler producing 90% of its products in Germany. Fissler is qualified with ISO9001 automatic manufacture line of consistent examinations and improvements of by the safety engineers. For instance, all Fissler cookers require 63 processes to grind and polish. If any flaws are found, the manufacturing line will be stopped immediately. Due to Fissler’s extremely rigid supervision, the manufacturer provides 10 to 15 years of guarantee to all its products. Fissler’s high quality and innovative attitude have been satisfying customers for years, proof of Fissler’s reputation and also its guarantee of quality.[:de]Fissler ist die bekannteste Marke für die Herstellung von Küchenutensilien. Die Marke erlangt vor allem durch das elegante Design und die außergewöhnliche Qualität der Produkte internationales Ansehen.
1845 gründete Carl Philipp Fissler einen Betrieb für die Herstellung von technischen Röhren in Idar-Oberstein, bis Fissler 1892 Küchenmodule etablierte und die Produktion auf ausschließlich diese beschränkte. Der Durchbruch gelang Fissler 1953 mit der Entwicklung des Druckkochtopfes und damit die Einführung von weiteren Küchenutensilien wie dem Dampfkochtopf, Messern etc.
Fissler, nun einer der führenden Unternehmen für Küchenutensilien, werden heute über 100 Preise und 200 Patente für außergewöhnliche Designs und einzigartige Verarbeitung und Materialien zugeschrieben.
Fissler stellt ihre Produkte unter genauesten internationalen Standarten des ISO9001 her, wodurch die Sicherheit und Weiterentwicklung der Fabrikate immer unter strengsten Kontrolle zur Gewährleistung von bester Qualität erfolgen. Die Standards Fisslers setzten 63 verschiedenen Herstellungsschritte zur Schleifung und Politur aller Küchenprodukte voraus. Werden jegliche Fehler in der Verarbeitung festgestellt, muss die Produktionslinie gestoppt und das Makel behoben werden. Auf diese Art und Weise stellt Fissler 10 bis 15 Jahre Garantie auf all ihre Produkte aus und begeistert Kunden aus aller Welt.
[:zh]Fissler 菲仕乐官网简介:菲仕乐成立于 1845 年,比 WMF 还要早 8 年,是世界上最古老也是最著名的厨具生产商之一,fissler 拥有多项荣誉:首个现代压力锅发明者、电磁炉厨具发明者、第一个铝锅生产者等等,仅仅在过去的 50 年中,仅在锅具的发明创造上菲仕乐就取得了 200 多项发明专利。为整个厨具锅具行业的发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献。
许多历史性的厨具发明创造、技术革新几乎都离不开 Fissler 的贡献。据说,在菲仕乐自动化流水线的锅具生产工厂,每生产一个锅具都要经过 9000 道工序!德国人对工艺的精益求精、对技术的严谨由此可见一斑。
德国老字号锅具品牌 Fissler, 多年来坚持全系列为德国制,每一个锅具都采用欧盟标准 18:10 的医用不锈钢材质制作,少油、少油烟,完全物理性不粘,避免了涂料对健康的危害。锅盖上的凹槽设计,让烹饪时不再发生倒出汤汁时不小心洒满桌的窘境。此外,锅具本身的材质也十分方便清洗。除了知名的各式汤锅、压力锅外,平底锅、餐具等系列也颇受好评。
- 先帮锅子洗个泡泡澡
- 接着用洗米水,或是白醋。
- 接着就放在电磁炉煮沸。
- 煮沸完毕后,把米水倒掉就可以用。
[:KO]Fissler is one of the world’s most famous kitchenware manufacturers. The elegant designs and high quality craftsmenship of Fissler products earned it its prestigious reputation worldwide. In 1845, founder Carl Philip Fissler established his company in Idar-Oberstein, Germany. The initial business of the company was the manufacturing and installation of technical pipes. In 1892 Fissler successfully invented the cooking mobile, and from thereon he focused on the manufacture of kitchenware. In 1953, Fissler invented the first transformer type pressure cooker. Since the well-known invention, all sorts of cookers, steam cookers, pressure cookers, knifeware, and other types of kitchenware were introduced, and since then, Fissler kitchenware has become the industry leader of kitchenware. Over one hundred prizes and two hundred patents were awarded to Fissler products for their excellent design and high quality materials and craftsmenship, a result of Fissler producing 90% of its products in Germany. Fissler is qualified with ISO9001 automatic manufacture line of consistent examinations and improvements of by the safety engineers. For instance, all Fissler cookers require 63 processes to grind and polish. If any flaws are found, the manufacturing line will be stopped immediately. Due to Fissler’s extremely rigid supervision, the manufacturer provides 10 to 15 years of guarantee to all its products. Fissler’s high quality and innovative attitude have been satisfying customers for years, proof of Fissler’s reputation and also its guarantee of quality.[:es]Fissler is one of the world’s most famous kitchenware manufacturers. The elegant designs and high quality craftsmenship of Fissler products earned it its prestigious reputation worldwide. In 1845, founder Carl Philip Fissler established his company in Idar-Oberstein, Germany. The initial business of the company was the manufacturing and installation of technical pipes. In 1892 Fissler successfully invented the cooking mobile, and from thereon he focused on the manufacture of kitchenware. In 1953, Fissler invented the first transformer type pressure cooker. Since the well-known invention, all sorts of cookers, steam cookers, pressure cookers, knifeware, and other types of kitchenware were introduced, and since then, Fissler kitchenware has become the industry leader of kitchenware. Over one hundred prizes and two hundred patents were awarded to Fissler products for their excellent design and high quality materials and craftsmenship, a result of Fissler producing 90% of its products in Germany. Fissler is qualified with ISO9001 automatic manufacture line of consistent examinations and improvements of by the safety engineers. For instance, all Fissler cookers require 63 processes to grind and polish. If any flaws are found, the manufacturing line will be stopped immediately. Due to Fissler’s extremely rigid supervision, the manufacturer provides 10 to 15 years of guarantee to all its products. Fissler’s high quality and innovative attitude have been satisfying customers for years, proof of Fissler’s reputation and also its guarantee of quality.[:it]Fissler is one of the world’s most famous kitchenware manufacturers. The elegant designs and high quality craftsmenship of Fissler products earned it its prestigious reputation worldwide. In 1845, founder Carl Philip Fissler established his company in Idar-Oberstein, Germany. The initial business of the company was the manufacturing and installation of technical pipes. In 1892 Fissler successfully invented the cooking mobile, and from thereon he focused on the manufacture of kitchenware. In 1953, Fissler invented the first transformer type pressure cooker. Since the well-known invention, all sorts of cookers, steam cookers, pressure cookers, knifeware, and other types of kitchenware were introduced, and since then, Fissler kitchenware has become the industry leader of kitchenware. Over one hundred prizes and two hundred patents were awarded to Fissler products for their excellent design and high quality materials and craftsmenship, a result of Fissler producing 90% of its products in Germany. Fissler is qualified with ISO9001 automatic manufacture line of consistent examinations and improvements of by the safety engineers. For instance, all Fissler cookers require 63 processes to grind and polish. If any flaws are found, the manufacturing line will be stopped immediately. Due to Fissler’s extremely rigid supervision, the manufacturer provides 10 to 15 years of guarantee to all its products. Fissler’s high quality and innovative attitude have been satisfying customers for years, proof of Fissler’s reputation and also its guarantee of quality.[:ru]Fissler is one of the world’s most famous kitchenware manufacturers. The elegant designs and high quality craftsmenship of Fissler products earned it its prestigious reputation worldwide. In 1845, founder Carl Philip Fissler established his company in Idar-Oberstein, Germany. The initial business of the company was the manufacturing and installation of technical pipes. In 1892 Fissler successfully invented the cooking mobile, and from thereon he focused on the manufacture of kitchenware. In 1953, Fissler invented the first transformer type pressure cooker. Since the well-known invention, all sorts of cookers, steam cookers, pressure cookers, knifeware, and other types of kitchenware were introduced, and since then, Fissler kitchenware has become the industry leader of kitchenware. Over one hundred prizes and two hundred patents were awarded to Fissler products for their excellent design and high quality materials and craftsmenship, a result of Fissler producing 90% of its products in Germany. Fissler is qualified with ISO9001 automatic manufacture line of consistent examinations and improvements of by the safety engineers. For instance, all Fissler cookers require 63 processes to grind and polish. If any flaws are found, the manufacturing line will be stopped immediately. Due to Fissler’s extremely rigid supervision, the manufacturer provides 10 to 15 years of guarantee to all its products. Fissler’s high quality and innovative attitude have been satisfying customers for years, proof of Fissler’s reputation and also its guarantee of quality.[:]