[:en]Victorinox[:de]Victorinox[:zh]Victorinox 瑞士军刀[:fr]Victorinox[:KO]Victorinox[:es]Victorinox[:it]Victorinox[:ru]Victorinox[:]

[:en]Victorinox Swiss Army Knife

– The only authentic Swiss Army Knife

The Victorinox Swiss Army Knife is popular amongst multi-purpose knife users around the world for its durability and vibrant sleek lines. Whether for outdoor or urban, a Swiss Army knife always meets the needs of its users.

Victorinox saber

In 1884, the Swiss-born Karl Elsener opened his own tool factory in the Swiss town of Ibach for the production of Swiss Army knives, the first Swiss Army Knife production line. During the early 1890s, the wooden handled first generation of the Swiss Army knife still only had a screwdriver and a can opener. In 1897, Karl Eisener invented a new high-strength spring, and the Swiss Army knife began to combine more tools within its compact frame. Since then, Swiss Army knives replaced German-made knives and started the local production of the multi-functional Switzerland saber.

In 1909, in order to differentiate itself from the many imitations, Karl Elsener designed and used a cross mark inside a shield shape, and to commemorate his mother’s name “Victoria” as a trademark name in her honour. In 1921, after the advent of stainless steel, Karl Elsener added the French word “stainless steel” (Inox) into the brand name and formally established Victorinox, the name we are familiar with today.

The only authentic Swiss Army Knife

In addition to Vickers, there was another Swiss saber brand named Wenger. In 2005 the company was merged by Victorinox, and Victorinox Swiss Army Knives became the only supplier. Although there are countless multipurpose utility knives, only the products of Victorinox and Weger are considered to be the authentic Swiss Army knives.[:de]Die einzigartigartigen authentische Schweizer Taschenmesser

Schweizer Taschenmesser steht für dauerhafte Qualität, ästhetische Verarbeitung und die vielfältigen Anwendungszwecke. Es gibt für jede Art von Bedürfnissen ein passendes Schweizer Taschenmesser, unabhängig ob es Verwendung in der freien Natur oder in der Stadt findet.

Victorinox Säbel

Im Jahre 1884 eröffnete der Schweizer Karl Elsener in Ibach seine eigene Werkzeugfabrik für die Herstellung der ersten Designlinie der Schweizer Armee Messer. Anfang der 1890er Jahre mit dem Holzgriff der ersten Generation von Schweizer Taschenmesser nur noch einen Schraubendreher und einen Dosenöffner. 1897 entwarf Karl Eisener eine neue Feder, wodurch die Firma in der Lage war, mehr Applikationen zu verdichten und damit ein schmaleres und handlicheres Werkzeug herzustellen. Seit dieser Zeit endete die Schweizer Armee Messer in Deutschland hergestellten Messern und die lokale Produktion von multifunktionalen Schweiz Säbel gestartet.

Um aus der Masse herauszustechen, wurde 1909 das heutige Markenzeichen, welches aus einem Kreuz und einem Schild besteht, zum Ehren Elsener’s Mutter „Victoria“ entworfen. Das Suffix (–inox), welches man als„Edelstahl“ auf französisch übersetzten kann, wurde 1921 durch Karl Elsener hinzugefügt. Dadurch entstand der uns heute bekannte Markenname „Victorinox“.





1884 年,瑞士人卡尔·艾森纳(Karl Elsener)在瑞士小镇伊巴赫(Ibach)开设了自己的刀具工厂,替瑞士军方生产刀具,是最早生产制造瑞士刀的人。19 世纪 90 年代初,用着木制手柄的第一代瑞士军刀还仅有螺丝起子和开罐器这两种工具。而 1897 年,卡尔·艾森纳又发明了新的高强度弹簧,瑞士军刀才开始能够装入较多的工具。自此时起,瑞士军方结束了使用德制刀具的时代,开始使用瑞士本土生产的多功能军刀。

1909年,为了与当时市面上的众多仿制品做出区分,卡尔·艾森纳设计并使用盾牌中有个十字的商标造型,并以他刚过世的母亲的名字“维多利亚”(Victoria)作为了商标的品名,以示纪念。1921 年,不锈钢材料问世,卡尔·艾森纳在品牌名称中加入了法语词“不锈钢”(Inox),正式确立了维氏(Victorinox)这一沿用至今的名字。



当然除了维氏,市面上另一个常见的瑞士军刀品牌是威格(Wenger),不过该公司在 2005 年已经被维氏所收购。维氏目前是瑞士军刀唯一的供应商。所以尽管市面上有着数不尽的多用途工具刀,但唯有维氏及其旗下威格的产品才会被认为是正宗的瑞士军刀。

 [:fr][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Couteau Suisse Victorinox

– Le seul authentique couteau suisse

Le couteau suisse Victorinox est populaire parmi les utilisateurs de couteaux polyvalents du monde entier pour sa durabilité et ses lignes élancées vibrantes. Que ce soit pour le plein air ou e milieu urbain, un couteau suisse répond toujours aux besoins de ses utilisateurs.

En 1884, Karl Elsener, de nationalité suisse, a ouvert sa propre usine d’outillage à Ibach, en Suisse, pour la fabrication de couteaux suisses, la première ligne de production de couteau militaire suisse. Au début des années 1890, la première génération de couteaux suisses à manche en bois ne possédait encore qu’un tournevis et un ouvre-boîtes. En 1897, Karl Eisener a inventé un nouveau ressort haute résistance, et le couteau suisse a commencé à combiner davantage d’outils en une structure plus compacte et plus facile à gérer. Depuis lors, les couteaux allemands ont été remplacés par des couteaux suisses et la production de lames à usages multiples en Suisse a commencé.

En 1909, afin de se différencier des nombreuses imitations, Karl Elsener a dessiné et utilisé une croix en forme de bouclier et a commémoré le nom de sa mère «Victoria» en tant que marque de commerce en son honneur. En 1921, après l’avènement de l’acier inoxydable, Karl Elsener ajoute le nom français «acier inoxydable» (Inox) au nom de marque et instaure officiellement Victorinox, le nom que nous connaissons aujourd’hui.

En plus de Vickers, il y avait une autre marque de couteaux suisses appelée Wenger. En 2005, Victorinox fusionna. Les couteaux suisses Victorinox devinrent le seul fournisseur. Bien qu’il existe d’innombrables couteaux universels polyvalents, seuls les produits de Victorinox et Wenger sont considérés comme les authentiques couteaux suisses.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][:KO]Victorinox Swiss Army Knife

– The only authentic Swiss Army Knife

The Victorinox Swiss Army Knife is popular amongst multi-purpose knife users around the world for its durability and vibrant sleek lines. Whether for outdoor or urban, a Swiss Army knife always meets the needs of its users.

Victorinox saber

In 1884, the Swiss-born Karl Elsener opened his own tool factory in the Swiss town of Ibach for the production of Swiss Army knives, the first Swiss Army Knife production line. During the early 1890s, the wooden handled first generation of the Swiss Army knife still only had a screwdriver and a can opener. In 1897, Karl Eisener invented a new high-strength spring, and the Swiss Army knife began to combine more tools within its compact frame. Since then, Swiss Army knives replaced German-made knives and started the local production of the multi-functional Switzerland saber.

In 1909, in order to differentiate itself from the many imitations, Karl Elsener designed and used a cross mark inside a shield shape, and to commemorate his mother’s name “Victoria” as a trademark name in her honour. In 1921, after the advent of stainless steel, Karl Elsener added the French word “stainless steel” (Inox) into the brand name and formally established Victorinox, the name we are familiar with today.

The only authentic Swiss Army Knife

In addition to Vickers, there was another Swiss saber brand named Wenger. In 2005 the company was merged by Victorinox, and Victorinox Swiss Army Knives became the only supplier. Although there are countless multipurpose utility knives, only the products of Victorinox and Weger are considered to be the authentic Swiss Army knives.[:es]Victorinox Swiss Army Knife

– The only authentic Swiss Army Knife

The Victorinox Swiss Army Knife is popular amongst multi-purpose knife users around the world for its durability and vibrant sleek lines. Whether for outdoor or urban, a Swiss Army knife always meets the needs of its users.

Victorinox saber

In 1884, the Swiss-born Karl Elsener opened his own tool factory in the Swiss town of Ibach for the production of Swiss Army knives, the first Swiss Army Knife production line. During the early 1890s, the wooden handled first generation of the Swiss Army knife still only had a screwdriver and a can opener. In 1897, Karl Eisener invented a new high-strength spring, and the Swiss Army knife began to combine more tools within its compact frame. Since then, Swiss Army knives replaced German-made knives and started the local production of the multi-functional Switzerland saber.

In 1909, in order to differentiate itself from the many imitations, Karl Elsener designed and used a cross mark inside a shield shape, and to commemorate his mother’s name “Victoria” as a trademark name in her honour. In 1921, after the advent of stainless steel, Karl Elsener added the French word “stainless steel” (Inox) into the brand name and formally established Victorinox, the name we are familiar with today.

The only authentic Swiss Army Knife

In addition to Vickers, there was another Swiss saber brand named Wenger. In 2005 the company was merged by Victorinox, and Victorinox Swiss Army Knives became the only supplier. Although there are countless multipurpose utility knives, only the products of Victorinox and Weger are considered to be the authentic Swiss Army knives.[:it]Victorinox, il coltellino svizzero originale

Il coltellino svizzero Victorinox è conosciuto in tutto il mondo come coltello multiuso grazie alla sua qualità duratura e per il suo stile inimitabile: che si tratti di utilizzarlo nella natura o in città, Victorinox può rispondere a qualsiasi esigenza.

Nel 1884 lo svizzero Karl Elsener aprì la sua prima fabbrica di attrezzature da lavoro a Ibach, per la prima realizzazione di coltellini svizzeri. Nel 1890, la prima generazione dei coltellini multi uso dal manico di legno era dotata solamente di un cacciavite e un apribottiglie. Anni dopo Karl Eisener progettò una nuova coltellino che riusciva a combinare più strumenti in una struttura più compatta e maneggevole. Da allora, i coltelli tedeschi vennero sostituiti dai coltellini svizzeri e iniziò la produzione di lame multiuso in Svizzera.

Per distinguersi dalle imitazioni, nel 1909 venne progettato il marchio così come lo conosciamo oggi, ovvero con una croce su uno scudo come logo e venne scelto „Victoria“ come nome, in onore della madre di Elsener. Nel 1921 , con l’avvento dell’acciaio inossidabile, Karl Elsener decise di inserire il suffisso -inox al nome, arrivando così al famoso nome del brand „Victorinox“.[:ru]Victorinox Swiss Army Knife

– The only authentic Swiss Army Knife

The Victorinox Swiss Army Knife is popular amongst multi-purpose knife users around the world for its durability and vibrant sleek lines. Whether for outdoor or urban, a Swiss Army knife always meets the needs of its users.

Victorinox saber

In 1884, the Swiss-born Karl Elsener opened his own tool factory in the Swiss town of Ibach for the production of Swiss Army knives, the first Swiss Army Knife production line. During the early 1890s, the wooden handled first generation of the Swiss Army knife still only had a screwdriver and a can opener. In 1897, Karl Eisener invented a new high-strength spring, and the Swiss Army knife began to combine more tools within its compact frame. Since then, Swiss Army knives replaced German-made knives and started the local production of the multi-functional Switzerland saber.

In 1909, in order to differentiate itself from the many imitations, Karl Elsener designed and used a cross mark inside a shield shape, and to commemorate his mother’s name “Victoria” as a trademark name in her honour. In 1921, after the advent of stainless steel, Karl Elsener added the French word “stainless steel” (Inox) into the brand name and formally established Victorinox, the name we are familiar with today.

The only authentic Swiss Army Knife

In addition to Vickers, there was another Swiss saber brand named Wenger. In 2005 the company was merged by Victorinox, and Victorinox Swiss Army Knives became the only supplier. Although there are countless multipurpose utility knives, only the products of Victorinox and Weger are considered to be the authentic Swiss Army knives.[:]