[:en]Haba[:de]Haba[:zh]哈芭 Haba[:fr]Haba[:KO]Haba[:es]Haba[:it]Haba[:ru]Haba[:]


Habermaaß Inc. has been a prestigious family enterprise since 1938. Established in the Bavaria region by Eugen Habermaaß, the Habermaaß family concept has always been providing the best toys to children based on simple yet efficient manufacturing and marketing. After Eugen Habermaaß’s death in 1955, Luise Habermaaß, his wife, took over the company and leading it to success during the 1950s. Her 24 year old son, Klaus Habermaaß, graduating from Die staatliche Ingenieurschule Rosenheim, joined the enterprise in 1961, leading the technology and finance departments, whereby the company and sales performance continued to steadily grow.

Habermaaß Inc. owns not only productions chain but also its own logistics chain to ensure every manufacturing process is reliable and conducted in Germany. Habermaaß Inc. is qualified with ISO9001, and all materials are sourced from Germany and from strictly selected providers to ensure that its products are 100% safe. The company has achieved a spectrum of qualifications, such as ISO 1400, EMAS and EN71, ensuring that its products are environmentally sustainable while meeting Europe’s rigid toy safety standards.

Habermaaß Inc. cooperates with parents and experts of children´s education to develop toys from the children’s perspective. Each toy is designed with multi-sensational and exploration principles through encouraging the processes of watching, listening, touching and imagining.[:de]Haba

Habermaaß oder eher bekannt auch als HABA, wurde 1938 als Familienbetrieb vom schwäbischen Kaufmann Eugen Habermaaß gegründet. Nach dem Ableben Eugen Habermaaß’s im Jahre 1955, übernahm seine Ehefrau Luise Habermann die geschäftliche Leitung und führte den Betrieb über die 50er Jahre zu großen Erfolgen. Auch der Sohn Klaus Habermaaß trug nach seinem Abschluss an der Ingenieurschule Rosenheim ab 1961 mit der Leitung im Technologie- und Finanzbereich einen beachtlichen Teil zum Unternehmen bei.

HABA’s Philosophie beruht auf den Grundsatz “Kinder sind das wichtigste”, welchen die nachhaltige Unternehmenspolitik prägt. Denn jedes Spielzeug wurde unter strengsten Kontrollen in Deutschland angefertigt und folgt den Standards ISO 9001, ISO 1400, EMAS und EN71, um Kindern mit gutem Gewissen ein sicheres und langlebiges Spielzeug in die Hand zu geben. Desweiteren arbeitet HABA mit Eltern und Experten für Erziehung an  Spielzeugen, welche die Entwicklung der Kinder maximal durch Sinnesanregungen fördert.[:zh]德国哈芭高端儿童玩具

德国哈芭 Haba 玩具是德国哈伯梅斯 Habermaaß 集团公司旗下的主力高端产品,70 多年来一直致力于为儿童提供最安全而有趣的的玩具。


Habermaaß 哈伯梅斯集团公司是堪称世界典范的家族式企业,由欧根·哈伯梅斯(Eugen Habermaaß)于 1938 年在巴伐利亚州的巴德罗达镇(Bad Rodach) 成立。从最开始的单纯木制儿童玩具加工,到至今汇聚生产、物流、销售为一体的大型集团公司。

从 1938 年到 1955 年,在欧根的带领和坚持下,哈伯梅斯集团挺过了最为动荡不安而艰难的二战时期和战后军管时期。 1955 年,欧根突然病逝,他的夫人,路易莎·哈伯梅斯(Luise Habermaaß) 果断的接管了企业。这位没有任何高等教育背景的四个孩子的母亲当时并不为人们所看好。然而,这位勇敢而坚强的女士不久便展示出了她对市场的敏感嗅觉。她带领着哈伯梅斯公司走向了一个堪称奇迹的小高潮。

1961 年,她的儿子克劳斯·哈伯梅斯(Klaus Habermaaß)进入企业,逐步接管了技术、财务和发展部门。公司销售业绩也蒸蒸日上。至今意志坚定而有强烈社会责任心的他更加注重产品研发与市场拓展,可持续发展依然成为集团的信条。





在质量监控上,哈伯梅斯公司通过了 ISO9001 验证。此外,所有原材料均来自德国本土,以保证原材料的优秀品质,而制造所需要的粘着剂、着色剂、清漆也均由通过严格筛选的固定供应商提供,以确保其安全无毒。同时哈伯梅斯也取得了 ISO14001 和 EMAS 认证,就是说所有都是可持续发展的——在生产的同时,哈伯梅斯集团也注重对环境的保护。同时,哈芭所有系列玩具都通过了玩具界公认的最严格 EN71 认证,即欧洲玩具安全标准。HABA一律选用枫树和榉木为原料,生态性媒染剂和多层水性彩漆,确保玩具安全无毒,能抵抗潮湿和机械性损伤。所有的婴儿玩具都接受过独立机构的认证,确保您的孩子从小远离低安全性玩具的潜在伤害。



德国哈芭 Haba 玩具已获得国家和国际奖项的最高质量,以儿童为导向的设计,如“设计加”或“德国的木制玩具设计奖” 。德国哈芭 Haba 玩具也赢得不少奖项,在最近几年,包括“年度游戏奖”和“德国游戏奖” 。


Habermaaß, également connu sous le nom de Haba, est une entreprise familiale prestigieuse créée en 1938. Elle a été fondée en Bavière par Eugen Habermassß dans le but de fabriquer des jouets à la fois éducatifs et simples à fabriquer et à commercialiser. Après la mort d’Eugen Habermaaß en 1955, c’est son épouse Luise qui a pris les rênes de la société et l’a menée au succès dans les années 50. Klaus Habermaaß, son fils de 24 ans, diplômé de Die staatliche Ingenieurschule Rosenheim, a rejoint l’entreprise en 1961, dirigeant les départements de la technologie et des finances, grâce auquel la performance de l’entreprise et des ventes a continué de croître régulièrement.

Haba contrôle non seulement la chaîne de production de jouets, mais également la logistique, afin de garantir la fiabilité du processus de mise en oeuvre en Allemagne. Il possède le certificat ISO9001, n’utilisant que des matériaux allemands et de fournisseurs sélectionnés. Tous les jouets sont donc sûrs à 100% et respectent les normes européennes strictes en matière de développement durable, comme en témoignent les certifications ISO. 1400, EMAS et EN71.

Habermaaß Inc. coopère avec les parents et les experts en éducation des enfants pour développer des jouets du point de vue des enfants. Chaque jouet est conçu avec des principes d’exploration et de sensations multiples en encourageant les processus de surveillance, d’écoute, de toucher et d’imagination.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][:KO]Habermaaß Inc. has been a prestigious family enterprise since 1938. Established in the Bavaria region by Eugen Habermaaß, the Habermaaß family concept has always been providing the best toys to children based on simple yet efficient manufacturing and marketing. After Eugen Habermaaß’s death in 1955, Luise Habermaaß, his wife, took over the company and leading it to success during the 1950s. Her 24 year old son, Klaus Habermaaß, graduating from Die staatliche Ingenieurschule Rosenheim, joined the enterprise in 1961, leading the technology and finance departments, whereby the company and sales performance continued to steadily grow.

Habermaaß Inc. owns not only productions chain but also its own logistics chain to ensure every manufacturing process is reliable and conducted in Germany. Habermaaß Inc. is qualified with ISO9001, and all materials are sourced from Germany and from strictly selected providers to ensure that its products are 100% safe. The company has achieved a spectrum of qualifications, such as ISO 1400, EMAS and EN71, ensuring that its products are environmentally sustainable while meeting Europe’s rigid toy safety standards.

Habermaaß Inc. cooperates with parents and experts of children´s education to develop toys from the children’s perspective. Each toy is designed with multi-sensational and exploration principles through encouraging the processes of watching, listening, touching and imagining.[:es]Habermaaß Inc. Es una prestigiosa empresa familiar desde 1938, establecida en la región de Baviera por Eugen Habermaaß. El concepto de familiar de Habermaaß es proporcionar los mejores juguetes a los niños basados en una fabricación y comercialización simples pero eficientes. Después de la muerte de Eugen Habermaaß en 1955, Luise Habermaaß, su esposa, se hizo cargo de la compañía y la condujo al éxito durante la década de 1950. Su hijo de 24 años, Klaus Habermaaß, graduado de „La escuela de ingeniera de Rosenheim“, se unió a la empresa en 1961, liderando los departamentos de tecnología y finanzas, por lo que la compañía y el rendimiento de las ventas continuaron creciendo constantemente.

Habermaaß Inc. posee no solo la cadena de producción sino también su propia cadena logística para garantizar que cada proceso de fabricación sea confiable y se realice en Alemania. Habermaaß Inc. está calificado con ISO9001, y todos los materiales provienen de Alemania y de proveedores estrictamente seleccionados para garantizar que sus productos sean 100% seguros. La compañía ha logrado un espectro de calificaciones, como ISO 1400, EMAS y EN71, asegurando que sus productos sean ambientalmente sostenibles y cumplan con los rígidos estándares de seguridad de juguetes de Europa.

Habermaaß Inc. coopera con padres y expertos en educación infantil para desarrollar juguetes desde la perspectiva de los niños. Cada juguete está diseñado con principios multi-sensacionales y de exploración mediante el fomento de los procesos de mirar, escuchar, tocar e imaginar.[:it]Haba

La Habermaaß, anche conosciuta come Haba, è una prestigiosa azienda familiare che opera dal 1938; venne fondata in Baviera da Eugen Habermassß seguendo la filosofia del fabbricare giocattoli che fossero educativi e allo stesso tempo semplici da produrre e commercializzare. Dopo la morte di Eugen Habermaaß nel 1955, fu la moglie Luise a prendere le redini della compagnia e a portarla al successo durante gli anni 50. Il figlio Klaus a condusse poi la Habermaaß negli anni successivi. L’azienda è tutt’ora in crescita.

La Haba non controlla solamente la catena di produzione dei giocattoli, ma anche la logistica, così da assicurarsi che lo svolgimento di qualsiasi processo di realizzazione sia affidabile e avvenga in Germania. Essa possiede l’attestato ISO9001, dimostrando così di utilizzare solo materiali provenienti dalla Germania e da fornitori selezionati, per questo tutti i giocattoli sono sicuri al 100% e allo stesso tempo soddisfano i rigidi standard europei di ecosostenibilità, ne sono la prova le certificazioni ISO 1400, EMAS e EN71.

Inoltre i genitori e esperti in pedagogia vengono coinvolti nello sviluppo nei giochi in modo tale che siano più affine possibile al modo di pensare del bambino e lo incoraggino ad esplorare i principi multi-sensoriali, come il vedere, l’ascoltare, il toccare e l’immaginare.

 [:ru]Habermaaß Inc. has been a prestigious family enterprise since 1938. Established in the Bavaria region by Eugen Habermaaß, the Habermaaß family concept has always been providing the best toys to children based on simple yet efficient manufacturing and marketing. After Eugen Habermaaß’s death in 1955, Luise Habermaaß, his wife, took over the company and leading it to success during the 1950s. Her 24 year old son, Klaus Habermaaß, graduating from Die staatliche Ingenieurschule Rosenheim, joined the enterprise in 1961, leading the technology and finance departments, whereby the company and sales performance continued to steadily grow.

Habermaaß Inc. owns not only productions chain but also its own logistics chain to ensure every manufacturing process is reliable and conducted in Germany. Habermaaß Inc. is qualified with ISO9001, and all materials are sourced from Germany and from strictly selected providers to ensure that its products are 100% safe. The company has achieved a spectrum of qualifications, such as ISO 1400, EMAS and EN71, ensuring that its products are environmentally sustainable while meeting Europe’s rigid toy safety standards.

Habermaaß Inc. cooperates with parents and experts of children´s education to develop toys from the children’s perspective. Each toy is designed with multi-sensational and exploration principles through encouraging the processes of watching, listening, touching and imagining.[:]