[:en]Dunoon[:de]Dunoon[:zh]丹侬骨瓷杯 Dunoon[:fr]Dunoon[:KO]Dunoon[:es]Dunoon[:it]Dunoon[:ru]Dunoon[:]

[:en]High-quality and well-designed

In our store you can find a wide range of elegant ceramic products, with DUNOON being the most delicate of all.

DUNOON is a famous British brand with nearly 40 years of history, specializing in the production of high-quality fine bone china cups. Bone china porcelain is made by mixing animal bone and clay. The addition of animal bone makes porcelain light, fine and hard as well as a milky white transparency, a technique invented by the British in 1794. DUNOON products are all made of clay from St Austell, Cornwall, England, and DUNOON products are made up of more than 50% bone content. High bone content makes the products vulnerable to cracking during the firing process. Larger bone china cups are even more vulnerable to cracking, resulting in exponentially priced bona china products. It is widely accepted that the world’s best bone china products are from England, which is also one of the British royal family’s favourite products.

Today, DUNOON employs more than 30 skilled designers, some of which have designed for DUNOON for over 25 years, and more than 100 leading freelance designers and artists. The technology, creative design, innovative colours, and perfect detailing has been continuously improved upon over the years, and depending on the height, handles, cup, and mug curvature, exhibit a variety of rich British designs. The bottom of the cup is also marked with each designer’s name, one of the characteristics of DUNOON. Due to its famed English quality, bone china by DUNOON has become popular amongst people all over the world.[:de]High-quality and well-designed

In Tots wird eine vielfältige Auswahl an Keramikwaren angeboten. Darunter auch die Firma DUNOON, welche qualitativ und künstlerisch hochwertige Produkte herstellt.

Die britische Marke DUNOON spezialisiert sich nahezu seit 40 Jahren auf die Herstellung von hochqualitativen und filigranen Keramiktassen. Dieses spezielle Porzellan besteht aus einer Mixtur aus Ton von St Austell, Cornwall, England, und einem mindestanteil von 50% tierischen Knochen. 1794 entwickelten Engländer mit der Methode, um das Porzellan leicht, filigran und milchig-weiß transparent, dennoch hart herzustellen. Je höher der Knochenanteil im Produkt ist, desto brüchiger ist es beim Brennen in der Herstellung. Das Resultat spiegelt sich auch preislich wieder. Es ist weit verbreitet, dass das beste chinesische Porzellan von England kommt, und welches zugleich das Lieblingsprodukt der Britischen Royal Familie ist.

Zurzeit beschäftigt DUNOON über 100 Künstler und 30 professionelle Designer, einige von ihnen haben bereits über 25 Jahre für DUNOON entworfen. Die Feinheiten in der Einzigkeiten der Herstellungstechnik, in den individuellen Designs und den außergewöhnlichen Farbnuancen wurde über die Jahre immer weiterentwickelt. Jedes einzigartiges Design sind in verschiedensten Tassenformen erhältlich. Sammler schätzen insbesondere die Designer Signatur auf den gekennzeichneten Produkten.

TOTS schätzt die jahrelange Zusammenarbeit, qualitativen Produkte und modernen Designs der Firma DUNOON. Als Zeichen der Partnerschaft hat DUNOON speziell für TOTS eine Berliner Tasser entworfen.


本商店里您能发现各式各样陶瓷的生活制品,有雅致的, 实用的,或应景的。

精致的DUNOON(丹侬)品牌的瓷器,是英国著名的品牌。已经有近40年的历史,擅长于制作细腻而优质的骨瓷杯。骨瓷就是用动物的骨粉和瓷土混合制作而成的瓷器。因为加入骨粉能使瓷器的品质轻巧, 细密和坚硬, 有一定的透光性并呈现奶白色。这种技术在 1974 年由英国人发明。

DUNOON(丹侬)的瓷土全部来自英格兰的康沃尔郡的圣奥斯特尔, 而且他们的产品都是含骨粉50%以上的一级骨瓷。因为骨粉含量高, 在烧制的过程中更容易有裂痕, 而且越大的骨瓷杯也就越容易烧裂, 所以所有制成品都是高品质,价格也较高。据说世界上最好的骨瓷来自英国, 是英国皇室最喜爱的产品之一。

今天, DUNOON(丹侬)拥有30多名内部团队的熟练设计师,有些已经为 DUNOON(丹侬)设计了25年的骨瓷杯。更领导着100多名自由设计师和艺术家,为其精致的骨瓷杯不断更新工艺、创作款式、创新花色,追求完美的细节, 根据高度、提把、杯口、杯身曲线等不同,有丰富的杯型变化,具有浓郁英伦风情, 当然, 在每个杯底都注明设计师的名字也成为 DUNOON(丹侬)的特点之一, 这就是DUNOON 英国丹侬优质骨瓷杯受到大众喜爱的原因。



  • 建议手洗,可延长使用寿命。
  • 洗碗机和微波炉可安全使用 (代友黄金的杯型不可使用)。
  • 请使用中性清洁剂和软布清洗。
  • 请勿使用有侵蚀作用的清洁剂,避免可能产生的划伤。
  • 切勿使用任何抛光剂擦拭重金属装饰。
  • 釉料不含色斑参透(欧洲卫生标准),但使得瓷器更容易染色。请在使用出现色斑参透,使用漂白剂或弱盐水  水,可有效弱解。
  • 请先放牛奶,再倒入热水,可避免沸水引起的温度急增而可能出现的张裂。
  • 长期使用洗碗机清洗,会导致褪色和装饰性的釉面淡出。
  • 贵重金属装饰不可用于微波炉,可能引起导电属火花。


TOTS propose à ses clients un large choix d’éléments en céramique élégants, parmi lesquels figure la marque DUNOON, reconnue pour son excellente qualité et son design exclusif.

DUNOON est une marque britannique renommée avec près de 40 ans d’histoire, spécialisée dans la production de tasses en porcelaine fine de haute qualité. La porcelaine à la cendre d’os est fabriquée en mélangeant de l’os d’animal et de l’argile. L’addition d’os animal rend la porcelaine légère, fine et dure et lui confère une transparence blanc laiteux, technique inventée par les Britanniques en 1794. Les produits DUNOON sont tous fabriqués à partir d’argile de St Austell, de Cornouailles, en Angleterre, et sont composés de plus de 50% de matière osseuse. La teneur élevée en os rend les produits vulnérables à la fissuration pendant le processus de cuisson. Les grandes tasses en porcelaine tendre sont encore plus vulnérables à la fissuration, ce qui se traduit par des produits en porcelaine en os à prix exponentiels. Il est notoire que la meilleure porcelaine vient d’Angleterre et est l’objet le plus apprécié de la famille royale.

DUNOON emploie aujourd’hui plus de 30 designers talentueux, dont certains pour DUNOON depuis plus de 25 ans, et plus de 100 designers et artistes freelance de premier plan. La technologie, le design créatif, les couleurs innovantes et les détails parfaits ont été améliorés au fil des années et, en fonction de la hauteur, des poignées, du gobelet et de la courbure du mug, présentent une variété de riches motifs britanniques. Le fond de la tasse porte également le nom de chaque designer, l’une des caractéristiques de DUNOON. En raison de sa qualité anglaise réputée, la porcelaine tendre de DUNOON est devenue populaire parmi les habitants du monde entier.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][:KO]High-quality and well-designed

In our store you can find a wide range of elegant ceramic products, with DUNOON being the most delicate of all.

DUNOON is a famous British brand with nearly 40 years of history, specializing in the production of high-quality fine bone china cups. Bone china porcelain is made by mixing animal bone and clay. The addition of animal bone makes porcelain light, fine and hard as well as a milky white transparency, a technique invented by the British in 1794. DUNOON products are all made of clay from St Austell, Cornwall, England, and DUNOON products are made up of more than 50% bone content. High bone content makes the products vulnerable to cracking during the firing process. Larger bone china cups are even more vulnerable to cracking, resulting in exponentially priced bona china products. It is widely accepted that the world’s best bone china products are from England, which is also one of the British royal family’s favourite products.

Today, DUNOON employs more than 30 skilled designers, some of which have designed for DUNOON for over 25 years, and more than 100 leading freelance designers and artists. The technology, creative design, innovative colours, and perfect detailing has been continuously improved upon over the years, and depending on the height, handles, cup, and mug curvature, exhibit a variety of rich British designs. The bottom of the cup is also marked with each designer’s name, one of the characteristics of DUNOON. Due to its famed English quality, bone china by DUNOON has become popular amongst people all over the world.[:es]High-quality and well-designed

In our store you can find a wide range of elegant ceramic products, with DUNOON being the most delicate of all.

DUNOON is a famous British brand with nearly 40 years of history, specializing in the production of high-quality fine bone china cups. Bone china porcelain is made by mixing animal bone and clay. The addition of animal bone makes porcelain light, fine and hard as well as a milky white transparency, a technique invented by the British in 1794. DUNOON products are all made of clay from St Austell, Cornwall, England, and DUNOON products are made up of more than 50% bone content. High bone content makes the products vulnerable to cracking during the firing process. Larger bone china cups are even more vulnerable to cracking, resulting in exponentially priced bona china products. It is widely accepted that the world’s best bone china products are from England, which is also one of the British royal family’s favourite products.

Today, DUNOON employs more than 30 skilled designers, some of which have designed for DUNOON for over 25 years, and more than 100 leading freelance designers and artists. The technology, creative design, innovative colours, and perfect detailing has been continuously improved upon over the years, and depending on the height, handles, cup, and mug curvature, exhibit a variety of rich British designs. The bottom of the cup is also marked with each designer’s name, one of the characteristics of DUNOON. Due to its famed English quality, bone china by DUNOON has become popular amongst people all over the world.[:it]Dunoon

Tots offre ai suoi clienti una vasta scelta di eleganti articoli in ceramica, tra i quali possiamo trovare il marchio Dunoon, noto per la sua qualità eccellente e il suo design esclusivo.

Dunoon è una firma inglese specializzata da oltre 40 anni nella manifattura di preziose tazze di ceramica filigranata. Questa particolare ceramica è composta da un miscela di creta di St. Austell, Inghilterra e una minima percentuale di ossa animale, la quale la rende leggera, ma solida e le dona un colorazione bianco latte, quasi trasparente; questa tecnica venne scoperta nel 1794 in Inghilterra. Un’alta percentuale ossea rende i prodotti più fragili durante la fase di cottura e ciò lo si può riscontrare anche per quanto riguarda il prezzo. E‘ comunemente noto che le migliori porcellane provengano dall’Inghilterra e siano l’oggetto più amato dalla Famiglia Reale.

Attualmente più di 100 artisti e 30 designer contribuiscono alla realizzazione delle porcellane Dunoon, alcuni da oltre 25 anni. La raffinatezza incomparabile nella tecnica di produzione, nei singoli dettagli e nelle straordinarie sfumature di colori sono in continuo perfezionamento. E‘ possibile combinare la forma della tazza col design che più preferisce. L’originalità delle tazze DUNOON si nota anche perché ognuna di esse è marchiata col nome del designer che l’ha progettata.[:ru]High-quality and well-designed

In our store you can find a wide range of elegant ceramic products, with DUNOON being the most delicate of all.

DUNOON is a famous British brand with nearly 40 years of history, specializing in the production of high-quality fine bone china cups. Bone china porcelain is made by mixing animal bone and clay. The addition of animal bone makes porcelain light, fine and hard as well as a milky white transparency, a technique invented by the British in 1794. DUNOON products are all made of clay from St Austell, Cornwall, England, and DUNOON products are made up of more than 50% bone content. High bone content makes the products vulnerable to cracking during the firing process. Larger bone china cups are even more vulnerable to cracking, resulting in exponentially priced bona china products. It is widely accepted that the world’s best bone china products are from England, which is also one of the British royal family’s favourite products.

Today, DUNOON employs more than 30 skilled designers, some of which have designed for DUNOON for over 25 years, and more than 100 leading freelance designers and artists. The technology, creative design, innovative colours, and perfect detailing has been continuously improved upon over the years, and depending on the height, handles, cup, and mug curvature, exhibit a variety of rich British designs. The bottom of the cup is also marked with each designer’s name, one of the characteristics of DUNOON. Due to its famed English quality, bone china by DUNOON has become popular amongst people all over the world.[:]