[:en]Zwilling[:de]Zwilling[:zh]双立人 Zwilling[:fr]Zwilling[:KO]Zwilling[:es]Zwilling[:it]Zwilling[:ru]Zwilling[:]

[:en]Zwilling is one of the most famous kitchenware experts in the world. Without saying, it is the best choice of high-class kitchenware because of its history, high quality of manufacture and all sorts of commodities.

One of the oddest brand in the world from „the Cutlery Town“, Solingen
Along Rhine river, there was one favourite spot of knights, called „the Cutlery Town“, nowadays „Solingen“. The oddest museum collected knight sword made in Solingen was produced in 1363. Because of Soligen’s good geographical position, many swordsmiths gathered from all over places. Since 16 century, knives curved with „made in Solingen“ (me fecit Solingen) already obtained approvals widely.

In 1450, family Henckels came to Solingen to open a smithy. In 1731 June 13th, already well known blacksmith Peter Henckels designed the original trademark „Zwilling“(twin) from the initiative idea of Gemini star in order to differentiate other „made in Solingen“ cutlery. Zwilling became the earliest trademark. Peter Henckels’s son, Johann Abraham Heckels used his name to register the company, and hence we recognized Zwilling also with the abbreviation „J. A. Henckels.“ In 1818, Zwilling opened the first specialized shop in Berlin. And in 1883, the New York branch was established and followed later by Vienna, Copenhagen, Rotterdam, etc.

The pioneer of technical craft
Renovation of technology and craft has been the fundamental concept of Zwilling. In 18th century, Grossbritannien (the U.K.) was still the top industrial country. Meanwhile all high-class cutlery manufacturer in Solingen imported steel from the UK. Since the middle 19th century, Zwilling has initiatively renovated its own steel manufacture. In 1853, a steam engine was first time introduced into Zwilling’s manufacture line and also moulding and forging before other manufacturers. In 1905, priory electricity also replaced the steam engine as the energy of the manufacture line. In the book „Solingen und sein Industriebezirk“ (Solingen and its industrial districts) published in 1922 described J. A. Henckels as the pioneer of the new manufactory and technology of mechanics. Afterward Zwilling invented its famous ice forging technique.

Moreover, Zwilling obtained several hundreds of patents and countless international prizes. After merging over hundred-year-old Belgium Royal stainless steel manufactory, Zwilling became to own the most quantities of cookware manufacturing and renovating technology.

The modern Zwilling owns eight sub-brands, including cutlery, cookware, haircut and beauty tools. All needs of different customer groups worldwide were considered while developing new technology and commodities. Individual developing and manufacturing centre was established in Germany, Belgium and China in order to satisfy the needs of different cooking traditions.[:de]Zwilling ist einer der bekanntesten Küchenwaren Hersteller international. Das spiegelt sich insbesondere durch deren historische Vergangenheit und die hohe Qualität in manufaktureller Herstelllung und hochwertigen Materialien aus.

Die Marke entsprang der für die Besteckwaren bekannten Stadt Solingen.

Durch Solingens geografischen Standortvorteil am Rhein, stellte die Stadt einen geeigneten und beliebten Aufenthaltsort für Ritter da und zog somit Schwertschmiede aus allerorts an. Seit dem 16. Jahrhundert erlangten eisenverarbeitende Produkte aus Solingen hohes Ansehen.

1450 gründete die Familie Henckels dort eine Schmiede, welche schnell an popularität gewann. Um den Familienbetrieb von anderen hervorzuheben, entwarf Peter Henckels 1731 die Handelsmarke “Zwilling” durch die Inspiration des gleichnamigen Sternzeichens. Peter Henckels Sohn, Johann Abraham Henckels, benutzte seinen Namen für die Registrierung des Unternehmens, weshalb die Marke Zwilling unter der Bezeichnung “J. A. Henckels” bekannt ist. Nach der Eröffnung des zweiten Geschäfts in Berlin im Jahre 1818, etablierte sich der Betrieb zunehmend, was zur Erweiterung der Standorte, wie in New York, Wien Kopenhagen etc., führte.

Das Grundkonzepts Zwillings legt vor allem Wert auf die Weiterentwicklung der Technologie des Handwerks. Ab dem industriellen Aufschwung wurden hochwertige Materialien ab Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts aus der Großbritannien importiert, wodurch neue Schmiedetechniken und Gussteile in der Produktion eingeführt worden sind. Weitere Entwicklungsschritte erfolgten 1905 durch die Ersetzung des Dampfmotors durch Elektrizität, welche später zur Herstellung des eisgehärtetem Spezialstahl führte. 1922 veröffentlichte J. A. Henckels als Pionier der Manufaktur das Buch “Solingen und sein Industriebetrieb”, welches die Technik und das Konzepts des Betriebs näher umschreibt.

Darüber hinaus besitzt Zwilling hunderte Patente und erhielt unzählige international Auszeichunungen. Heute zählt Zwilling zu den Betrieben zum größten Kochwaren-Anbieter mit renovierter Technologie.

The modern Zwilling owns eight sub-brands, including cutlery, cookware, haircut and beauty tools. All needs of different customer groups worldwide were considered while developing new technology and commodities. Individual developing and manufacturing centre was established in Germany, Belgium and China in order to satisfy the needs of different cooking traditions.

 [:zh]德国双立人 (Zwilling)



德国莱茵河畔,有一处骑士最爱之地,即有“刀城”美誉的小镇索林根(Solingen)。现存博物馆的最古老的一把索林根生产的骑士宽刃剑产于 1363 年。而后,由于索林根独特的水源优势,各地刀匠在此聚居,从16世纪开始,刻有“索林根制造”(me fecit Solingen)的各式刀具就已经是各地广泛认可的最佳刀具了。

1450 年,亨克斯家族(Henckels)来到了索林根开始经营铁匠铺。1731 年 6 月 13 日,当时已经小有名气的铁匠彼得·亨克斯(Peter Henckels)想在众多标示着“索林根制造”的刀匠中脱颖而出,便根据当时西方星座系统所在的双子星座为基础构想,设计并注册了自己的专有商标——两个手牵手的小人,这也是人类历史上最早的商标之一。而后,彼得的后人约翰·亚伯拉罕·亨克斯以自己的名字在工商局注册了公司,即我们今天所常看到的缩写”J. A. Henckels“。 1818 年,双立人在柏林开了第一家专卖店,随着新大陆热潮的到来,又在1883年设立了纽约分公司经营美国业务,接下来,维也纳、哥本哈根、鹿特丹等等,双立人热销世界各地。


对技术与工艺的创新一直是双立人的根本理念。在 18 世纪,英国仍然是世界头号工业大国,因此当时索林根几乎所有高端刀具厂商都使用的是英国进口的钢材与工艺。对此,双立人公司在 19 世纪中期开始了自主研究钢材并全面改进生产工艺。 1853 年,双立人第一次将蒸汽机运用到了自己的生产车间,并在其他所有厂商之前引用了新的制模锻造技术。  1867 年双立人又成立了自己的钢材铸造车间,由专家对刀具专用钢材进行改进和研发。 1905 年又早早的用电能替代了蒸汽机作为车间动力源。在 1922 年出版的《索林根及其工业区》(Solingen und sein Industriebezirk)一书中,小约翰·亚伯拉罕·亨克斯被称为“新工厂模式和机械技术的先驱”。而后,双立人又在 1939 年发明了著名的  Friodur 冰锻技术。

此外,双立人还拥有数百项刀具专利并荣获了不计其数的国际大奖。同时,双立人在近代也注重发展锅具业务,在收购了有 100 多年历史的比利时御用不锈钢锅厂后,双立人锅具厂也成为了世界上拥有最多锅底压制技术和创新技术的锅具公司。

现代的双立人是集 8 个子品牌,囊括了刀具、锅具、理发用具和美容用具为一体的大型康采恩。在发展技术的同时,他们也更加注意来自世界各地不同客户群体的需求。在德国、比利时、中国都有单独的研发和生产中心,专业满足来自不同烹调传统的地方的客户的需要。


Zwilling est l’un des experts en ustensiles de cuisine les plus célèbres au monde. Il va sans dire aue c’est le meilleur choix d’ustensiles de cuisine haut de gamme en raison de son histoire, de la haute qualité de fabrication et de la caste gamme de produits proposés.

Le long du Rhin, il y avait un endroit préféré des chevaliers, appelé „la ville des couverts“, aujourd’hui „Solingen“. Le musée le plus étrange des épées de chevalier fabriqué à Solingen date de 1363. En raison de la bonne position géographique de Soligen, de nombreux épéistes se sont rassemblés un peu partout. Depuis le 16ème siècle, les couteaux recourbés en „made in Solingen“ (me fecit Solingen) ont déjà obtenu de nombreuses approbations.

En 1450, la famille Henckels se rendit à Solingen pour ouvrir une forge. Le 13 juin 1731, le forgeron déjà bien connu, Peter Henckels, créa la marque originale „Zwilling“ (jumelle) à partir de l’idée d’initiative de l’étoile Gemini afin de différencier d’autres couverts „made in Solingen“. Zwilling est devenu la marque la plus ancienne. Le fils de Peter Henckels, Johann Abraham Heckels, utilisait son nom pour enregistrer la société. C’est pourquoi nous avons reconnu Zwilling également avec l’abréviation „J. A. Henckels“. En 1818, Zwilling a ouvert le premier magasin spécialisé à Berlin. Et en 1883, la succursale de New York est créée et suivie plus tard par Vienne, Copenhague, Rotterdam, etc.

La philosophie de base de Zwilling a toujours été le développement et le renouvellement continus des techniques artisanales. En fait, si au 18ème siècle de nombreuses entreprises du secteur de la coutellerie de Solingen importaient de l’acier de Grande-Bretagne, à l’époque de son développement industriel, Zwilling décidait se moderniser à sa manière, en adaptant sa production au développement industriel de l’époque. En 1853, la machine à vapeur a été introduite pour la première fois dans la chaîne de fabrication, qui a été remplacée en 1905 par l’électricité, permettant ainsi le traitement d’un acier particulier. En 1922, le livre „Solingen und sein Industriebezirk“ (Solingen et son district industriel) a été publié, écrit par J. A. Henckels, considéré comme le pionnier de la „nouvelle“ fabrication. Depuis ce temps, Zwilling a des centaines de brevets et a gagné d’innombrables honneurs dans le monde entier. Aujourd’hui, Zwilling est l’un des principaux fournisseurs d’ustensiles de cuisine de dernière génération.

La société moderne Zwilling possède huit sous-marques, notamment des couverts, des ustensiles de cuisine, des outils de coupe de cheveux et des outils de beauté. Tous les besoins des différents groupes de clients du monde entier ont été pris en compte lors du développement de nouvelles technologies et de nouveaux produits. Un centre individuel de développement et de fabrication a été créé en Allemagne, en Belgique et en Chine afin de satisfaire les besoins des différentes traditions culinaires.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][:KO]Zwilling is one of the most famous kitchenware experts in the world. Without saying, it is the best choice of high-class kitchenware because of its history, high quality of manufacture and all sorts of commodities.

One of the oddest brand in the world from „the Cutlery Town“, Solingen
Along Rhine river, there was one favourite spot of knights, called „the Cutlery Town“, nowadays „Solingen“. The oddest museum collected knight sword made in Solingen was produced in 1363. Because of Soligen’s good geographical position, many swordsmiths gathered from all over places. Since 16 century, knives curved with „made in Solingen“ (me fecit Solingen) already obtained approvals widely.

In 1450, family Henckels came to Solingen to open a smithy. In 1731 June 13th, already well known blacksmith Peter Henckels designed the original trademark „Zwilling“(twin) from the initiative idea of Gemini star in order to differentiate other „made in Solingen“ cutlery. Zwilling became the earliest trademark. Peter Henckels’s son, Johann Abraham Heckels used his name to register the company, and hence we recognized Zwilling also with the abbreviation „J. A. Henckels.“ In 1818, Zwilling opened the first specialized shop in Berlin. And in 1883, the New York branch was established and followed later by Vienna, Copenhagen, Rotterdam, etc.

The pioneer of technical craft
Renovation of technology and craft has been the fundamental concept of Zwilling. In 18th century, Grossbritannien (the U.K.) was still the top industrial country. Meanwhile all high-class cutlery manufacturer in Solingen imported steel from the UK. Since the middle 19th century, Zwilling has initiatively renovated its own steel manufacture. In 1853, a steam engine was first time introduced into Zwilling’s manufacture line and also moulding and forging before other manufacturers. In 1905, priory electricity also replaced the steam engine as the energy of the manufacture line. In the book „Solingen und sein Industriebezirk“ (Solingen and its industrial districts) published in 1922 described J. A. Henckels as the pioneer of the new manufactory and technology of mechanics. Afterward Zwilling invented its famous ice forging technique.

Moreover, Zwilling obtained several hundreds of patents and countless international prizes. After merging over hundred-year-old Belgium Royal stainless steel manufactory, Zwilling became to own the most quantities of cookware manufacturing and renovating technology.

The modern Zwilling owns eight sub-brands, including cutlery, cookware, haircut and beauty tools. All needs of different customer groups worldwide were considered while developing new technology and commodities. Individual developing and manufacturing centre was established in Germany, Belgium and China in order to satisfy the needs of different cooking traditions.[:es]Zwilling is one of the most famous kitchenware experts in the world. Without saying, it is the best choice of high-class kitchenware because of its history, high quality of manufacture and all sorts of commodities.

One of the oddest brand in the world from „the Cutlery Town“, Solingen
Along Rhine river, there was one favourite spot of knights, called „the Cutlery Town“, nowadays „Solingen“. The oddest museum collected knight sword made in Solingen was produced in 1363. Because of Soligen’s good geographical position, many swordsmiths gathered from all over places. Since 16 century, knives curved with „made in Solingen“ (me fecit Solingen) already obtained approvals widely.

In 1450, family Henckels came to Solingen to open a smithy. In 1731 June 13th, already well known blacksmith Peter Henckels designed the original trademark „Zwilling“(twin) from the initiative idea of Gemini star in order to differentiate other „made in Solingen“ cutlery. Zwilling became the earliest trademark. Peter Henckels’s son, Johann Abraham Heckels used his name to register the company, and hence we recognized Zwilling also with the abbreviation „J. A. Henckels.“ In 1818, Zwilling opened the first specialized shop in Berlin. And in 1883, the New York branch was established and followed later by Vienna, Copenhagen, Rotterdam, etc.

The pioneer of technical craft
Renovation of technology and craft has been the fundamental concept of Zwilling. In 18th century, Grossbritannien (the U.K.) was still the top industrial country. Meanwhile all high-class cutlery manufacturer in Solingen imported steel from the UK. Since the middle 19th century, Zwilling has initiatively renovated its own steel manufacture. In 1853, a steam engine was first time introduced into Zwilling’s manufacture line and also moulding and forging before other manufacturers. In 1905, priory electricity also replaced the steam engine as the energy of the manufacture line. In the book „Solingen und sein Industriebezirk“ (Solingen and its industrial districts) published in 1922 described J. A. Henckels as the pioneer of the new manufactory and technology of mechanics. Afterward Zwilling invented its famous ice forging technique.

Moreover, Zwilling obtained several hundreds of patents and countless international prizes. After merging over hundred-year-old Belgium Royal stainless steel manufactory, Zwilling became to own the most quantities of cookware manufacturing and renovating technology.

The modern Zwilling owns eight sub-brands, including cutlery, cookware, haircut and beauty tools. All needs of different customer groups worldwide were considered while developing new technology and commodities. Individual developing and manufacturing centre was established in Germany, Belgium and China in order to satisfy the needs of different cooking traditions.[:it]Zwilling é uno dei marchi più conosciuti al mondo in fatto di prodotti da cucina. Ciò che lo rende senza dubbio la scelta migliore è la sua storia, accompagnata dalla sua pregiata qualità e dalla vasta gamma di prodotti offerti.

L’origine di Zwilling, dalla „città dei coltelli“ a una delle più importanti firme di utensili da cucina

Lungo il fiume Reno si trova „la città dei coltelli“, oggi conosciuta come Solingen, la quale al tempo era il luogo preferito dai cavalieri e attirava numerosi fabbri da ogni dove. Fin dal 16. secolo gode di un’ottima reputazione dovuta ai suoi coltelli.

Nel 1450 la famiglia Henckels vi fondò una fucina che in breve tempo guadagnò notorietà; per distinguersi ulteriormente Peter Henckels decise nel 1731 di ideare il marchio „Zwilling“, ispirato dall’omonimo segno zodiacale, ovvero i gemelli. Oggi Zwilling è anche noto con il nome di „J. A. Henckels“, dato che il figlio di Peter Henckels, Johann Abraham Henckels, decise di utilizzare il suo nome per registrare il marchio. Con l’apertura del secondo negozio a Berlino nel 1818, l’azienda si affermò a tal punto da dover aprire dei punti vendita a New York, Vienna, Copenaghen, Rotterdam…

La filosofia di base per Zwilling è sempre stata il continuo sviluppo e rinnovo nelle tecniche artigianali, infatti se nel 18. secolo molte imprese nel campo della coltelleria a Solingen importavano acciaio dalla Gran Bretagna, ai tempi all’apice del suo sviluppo industriale, Zwilling decise di modernizzarsi a modo suo, adeguando la propria produzione allo sviluppo industriale dell’epoca. Nel 1853 venne introdotto per la prima volta il motore a vapore alla linea di fabbricazione, che nel 1905 venne sostituito dall’elettricità, consentendo la lavorazione di un acciaio particolare. Nel 1922 venne pubblicato il libro „Solingen und sein Industriebezirk“ (Solingen e il suo distretto industriale), scritto da J. A. Henckels, considerato il pioniere della „nuova“ manifattura. Da quel momento Zwilling possiede centinaia di brevetti e ha conseguito innumerevoli onorificenze in tutto il mondo. Oggi Zwilling è un dei fornitori principali di utensili da cucina di ultima generazione.

Della famiglia Zwilling fanno ora parte quattro sub-brand che comprendono la coltelleria, gli utensili da cucina, per il taglio di capelli e accessori di bellezza. I principali centri di sviluppo e produzione si trovano in Germania, Belgio e Cina, in modo da soddisfare le esigenze culinarie di tutti i clienti.[:ru]Zwilling is one of the most famous kitchenware experts in the world. Without saying, it is the best choice of high-class kitchenware because of its history, high quality of manufacture and all sorts of commodities.

One of the oddest brand in the world from „the Cutlery Town“, Solingen
Along Rhine river, there was one favourite spot of knights, called „the Cutlery Town“, nowadays „Solingen“. The oddest museum collected knight sword made in Solingen was produced in 1363. Because of Soligen’s good geographical position, many swordsmiths gathered from all over places. Since 16 century, knives curved with „made in Solingen“ (me fecit Solingen) already obtained approvals widely.

In 1450, family Henckels came to Solingen to open a smithy. In 1731 June 13th, already well known blacksmith Peter Henckels designed the original trademark „Zwilling“(twin) from the initiative idea of Gemini star in order to differentiate other „made in Solingen“ cutlery. Zwilling became the earliest trademark. Peter Henckels’s son, Johann Abraham Heckels used his name to register the company, and hence we recognized Zwilling also with the abbreviation „J. A. Henckels.“ In 1818, Zwilling opened the first specialized shop in Berlin. And in 1883, the New York branch was established and followed later by Vienna, Copenhagen, Rotterdam, etc.

The pioneer of technical craft
Renovation of technology and craft has been the fundamental concept of Zwilling. In 18th century, Grossbritannien (the U.K.) was still the top industrial country. Meanwhile all high-class cutlery manufacturer in Solingen imported steel from the UK. Since the middle 19th century, Zwilling has initiatively renovated its own steel manufacture. In 1853, a steam engine was first time introduced into Zwilling’s manufacture line and also moulding and forging before other manufacturers. In 1905, priory electricity also replaced the steam engine as the energy of the manufacture line. In the book „Solingen und sein Industriebezirk“ (Solingen and its industrial districts) published in 1922 described J. A. Henckels as the pioneer of the new manufactory and technology of mechanics. Afterward Zwilling invented its famous ice forging technique.

Moreover, Zwilling obtained several hundreds of patents and countless international prizes. After merging over hundred-year-old Belgium Royal stainless steel manufactory, Zwilling became to own the most quantities of cookware manufacturing and renovating technology.

The modern Zwilling owns eight sub-brands, including cutlery, cookware, haircut and beauty tools. All needs of different customer groups worldwide were considered while developing new technology and commodities. Individual developing and manufacturing centre was established in Germany, Belgium and China in order to satisfy the needs of different cooking traditions.[:]